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Updated: August 14, 2024

The male widow-bird, remarkable for his caudal plumes, certainly seems to be a polygamist. 'The Ibis, vol. iii. 1861, p. 133, on the Progne Widow-bird. See also on the Vidua axillaris, ibid. vol. ii. 1860, p. 211. On the polygamy of the Capercailzie and Great Bustard, see L. Lloyd, 'Game Birds of Sweden, 1867, pp. 19, and 182.

The entomological world holds high carnival, though in this country they are, perhaps, more given to mass-meetings and caucuses. The earth, the air, and the water teem with insect life. The insects of mid-summer, now appear. The larva of Grapta Progne appears on the currants, and feeds beneath the leaves on hot sunny days.

Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet; Aut humana palam coquat exta nefarius Atreus; Aut in avem Progne vertatur, Cadmus in anguem, Quodcunque ostendis mihi sic, incredulus odi. Hor. Medea must not draw her murth'ring Knife, Nor Atreus there his horrid Feast prepare.

Fourthly, a swallow, which though differing from the Progne purpurea of both Americas, only in being rather duller colored, smaller, and slenderer, is considered by Mr. Gould as specifically distinct. Fifthly, there are three species of mocking thrush a form highly characteristic of America.

"Nec pueros coram populo Medea trucidet: Aut humana palam coquat exta nefarius Atreus; Aut in avem Progne vertatur, Cadmus in anguem. Quodcunque ostendis mihi sic, incredulus odi." HOR. ARS. POET. ver. 185.

There I had a full account of all that Atteius Capito, Paulus, Marcellus, A. Gellius, Athenaeus, Suidas, Ammonius, and others had writ of the Siticines and Sicinnists; and then we thought we might as easily believe the transmutations of Nectymene, Progne, Itys, Alcyone, Antigone, Tereus, and other birds.

By Tantalus that stands in the midst of the floud Eridan, having before him a tree laden with pleasant apples, he being neverthelesse always thirsty and hungry, betokeneth the insatiable desires of covetous persons. The fables of Atreus, Thiestes, Tereus and Progne signifieth the wicked and abhominable facts wrought and attempted by mortall men.

Nec pueros coram populo MEDEA trucidet Aut humana palam coquat extra nefarius ATREUS, Aut in avem PROGNE vertatur, CADMUS in anguem. Quodcunque ostendit mihi sic, incredulus odi.

The same scenic arrangement may well have been used in the Orfeo, the lower stage representing Hades ; while Niccolò da Correggio's Cefalo was evidently acted on a polyscenic stage, the actors passing in view of the audience from one part to another . At a yet earlier period Italian writers in the learned tongue had taken as the subjects of their plays stories from classical legend and myth, and among these we find not only recognized tragedy themes such as the rape of Polyxena dramatized by Lionardo Bruni, but tales such as that of Progne put on the stage by Gregorio Corrado, both of which preceded by many years the work of Politian and Correggio.

Libellulidae, relative size of the sexes of; difference in the sexes of. Lice of domestic animals and man. Licentiousness a check upon population; prevalence of, among savages. Lichtenstein, on Chera progne. Life, inheritance at corresponding periods of. Light, effects on complexion; influence of, upon the colours of shells. Lilford, Lord, the ruff attracted by bright objects. Limosa lapponica.

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