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Vesicula prostatica, the homologue of the uterus. Vibrissae, represented by long hairs in the eyebrows. Vidua. Vidua axillaris. Villerme, M., on the influence of plenty upon stature. Vinson, Aug., courtship of male spider; on the male of Epeira nigra. Viper, difference of the sexes in the. Virey, on the number of species of man. Virtues, originally social only; gradual appreciation of.

Astur approximans, VIG. and HORSF. Novae-Hollandiae, VIG. and HORSF.? Accipiter torquatus, VIG. and HORSF. Buteo melanosternon, GOULD. Milvus isurus, GOULD. affinis, GOULD. Elanus axillaris. scripta, GOULD. Circus assimilis, JARD. Jardinii, GOULD. Strix personata, VIG. delicatulis, GOULD. Athene connivens. Boobook Hirundo neoxena, GOULD. Cotyle pyrrhonota. Acanthylis caudacuta.

The male widow-bird, remarkable for his caudal plumes, certainly seems to be a polygamist. 'The Ibis, vol. iii. 1861, p. 133, on the Progne Widow-bird. See also on the Vidua axillaris, ibid. vol. ii. 1860, p. 211. On the polygamy of the Capercailzie and Great Bustard, see L. Lloyd, 'Game Birds of Sweden, 1867, pp. 19, and 182.