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Updated: August 9, 2024

His utterance promptly ceased, together with his abominable activities and primping in the window. Van, who did not know that this creature had been Beth's particular annoyance, had crossed the room without a sound and laid his grip on Culver's collar. "You cur!" he said quietly, and choking the man he flung him down against the floor and wall as if he had been the merest puppet.

He slid out, and Kedzie scurried about her primping. The bell rang. She sent her maid to the door. Dyckman came in. She let him wait awhile then went to him with an elegiac manner. She accepted his salute on a martyr-white brow. He said: "I read about the fire. I was scared to death for you till I learned that all the people were safe. I motored up to see the ruins. Some ruins! Like to see'em?"

Pleased to meet you, Miss Shoemaker. Yes, I saw in the paper you were visiting your sister. This your first visit to our little burg? Yes, we think it's quite a place. You see, we're trying to make your stay as interesting as possible.... Oh, no, not altogether on your account. No, no. Ha! Ha-ha-ha! Hum! ah!... Well, yes, if she ever gets done primping up. Oh, there you are.

Eglinton, the curate, next." "This I know," says her father, slapping me on the shoulder, "this I know, that you are content to see Richard without primping." "But I have known Richard since I was six," says she. "Richard is one of the family. There is no need of disguise from him." I thought, ruefully enough, that it seemed my fate to be one of the family everywhere I went.

Since she primps for a long time that means that this man was primping for a longer time and she saw him you, that is still at the sink of the corridor when she was leaving. It had to be you as you still weren't here when she returned and woke me up." "Maybe it was. What's the point?" "No point, my friend. An observation. For the longest time we kept thinking that you would be back at any moment.

"One thing more. You've been thinking things about me. Well, do you imagine this busy brain of mine hasn't been thinking a few things about you? Why, Margaret, you need me even more than I need you, though I need you more than I'd dare try to tell you. You need just such a man as me to give you direction and purpose REAL backbone. Primping and preening in carriages and parlors THAT isn't life.

"You have been a disgracefully long time, Millicent," her cousin answered her apology. "But" she looked at the beautifully gowned figure, the lovely, imaginative face, thereby, like a good showman, calling Mr. Brockton's attention to them "we'll forgive you." "Oh, it wasn't primping that kept me. I stopped for a few minutes at the schoolroom door. Poor Lena!

And where are their fine ladies, Sir George? Still primping at the mirror? Oh, la!" She stepped back, laughing, raising her lovely arms a little. "Look at me. Am I well laced, with nobody to aid me save Cecile, poor child, and Benny to hold the candles he being young enough for the office?" "Happy, happy Benny!" murmured Sir George, inspecting her through his quizzing-glass from head to toe.

"Why should I begin now? Chances are 'at you have rigged me up until I'll set the neighbours laughing, or else to saying that I didn't wait until the breath was out of Pa's body to begin primping." "Nonsense, Mother," said Kate. "Nobody will say or think anything. Everyone will recognize Nancy Ellen's fine Spencerian hand in that bonnet and ruching. Now for your veil!" Mrs.

A slate-colored junco did a pretty thing in the woods one day of early spring much more pleasing to see than the incident just described. He had rinsed his feathers in a pool of the little stream down in the hollow, and now he was squatting flat on his belly on the ground in a soft bed of brown leaves, preening and primping his plumes with his little white, conical bill.

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