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Updated: August 15, 2024

I see I must answer him, or make a still more sentimental and romantick seen, and I sez, with extreme frigidity and icy chill, "I don't know anything about it." Pomper wuz around." And then I turned on my heel and walked off.

Pomper come back to me. "Jest as I told you, mom, stunted," sez he, "fairly stunted and broke down by the suddenness of the good news. I'll give her time to git used to the idee. I won't say no more at present." "No," sez I dryly, "I wouldn't if I wuz in your place, I'd go and rub some ile into my head or sweat it, or sunthin'."

Pomper wuz jest ahead on us, and thinkin' he would see better, I spoze had got up on the bench, and jest as he shouted out with the rest, "How firm a foundation," the bench broke and down he come, but in the big volume of sound, his yell of fright wuzn't heard no more than the note of a mosquito in a cyclone.

That evenin' in the parlor he got introduced to us. Mr. Pomper, his name wuz, and we all used him well, though I didn't like "the cut of his jib," to use a nautical term which I consider appropriate at a watering-place. But go where we would, that ponderous figger seemed to be near. At the table he sot, where that one eye shone on us as constant as the sun to the green earth.

Faith had stepped out of the long winder behind us and wuz lookin' off onto the glorified river durin' this contrary temps, and as I glanced out of the winder to look for her I see the huge form of Mr. Pomper hoverin' in the foreground, and I sez to Josiah, "I think it is time to retire and go to bed." And Faith bein' ready to go, we ascended to our rooms.

Pomper wuz round. The day wuz a tegus one to me, borne down as I wuz by the constrainin' atmosphere of a onwelcome and onlawful attachment. And it took all the principle I had by me to git up even a emotion of pity for the one-eyed watcher, whose only recreation seemin'ly durin' that long, long day wuz to watch our party as clost as any cat ever watched a rat hole, and to kinder hang round us.

Then another thought seemed to roust him up; Jealousy seemed to strike her sharp prongs into his slender side, and he sez bitterly, "Yes, goin' down alone into a perfect mawlstrom of men flirtin' and actin'!" "The mawlstrom won't hurt me," sez I, "I hain't goin' nigh it." But even as I spoke I thought of Mr. Pomper, and sez to myself, Can I help him from comin' nigh me?

Pomper so stiddy at my shrine, And I got so that I almost hated the good looks that wuz ondoin' him and me too.

Pomper approached us bringin' us some easier chairs, I confronted him with a look that must have appauled his guilty mind, and when he sez to me: "It is a pleasant day, mom." I looked several daggers at him and some simiters, and never said a word.

I felt sorry to think he wuz so blinded, though of course he looks good to me. And he talked about the wimmen and advanced the idee that they well might take pattern by his pardner in their looks and deportment. Josiah after all is a man of good sense. Pomper, thinkin' he would see better, got up on the bench, and jest as he shouted out 'How firm a foundation, the bench broke and down he come."

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