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Updated: August 9, 2024

One lone black beggar amongst the lot of us, and he seemed to look through me into the very hell. Fancy, this wretched Podmore! Well, let him die in peace. I am master here after all. Let him be. He might have been half a man once... Keep a good look-out."

He escorted me out to a taxi and I went home while he sent a porter down to the parcel-room to check the empty suitcase. It may be there yet for all I know. "You see now why I was so worried to learn that an envelope had been stolen from Mr. Wade's private car by Podmore and hidden up here at Thorlakson. I naturally jumped to the conclusion that it was the actual money that had been stolen.

Clayton had taken the first train for Chicago; but not before Podmore had third-degreed him into abject fear. No, Clayton had had no hand in it; that was certain, and with that once established, the identity of the arch-thief remained a mystery which baffled investigation especially when the situation called for the utmost circumspection.

Thoroughly mystified, Podmore fished out the tiny key that belonged to satchel number one. It would not fit! With an oath he seized a hairbrush, smashed both lock and brush, slipped the catches and yanked open the satchel. Inside lay a roll of old newspapers, tied at the ends with dirty white string! That was ALL! Hughey Podmore wiped his forehead with his handkerchief.

Podmore and Nickleby ran in the same grooves that he had been able to unearth enough of Nickleby's very private plans to persuade that "rising young financier" that it was better to set another plate at the head table than to have the dishes smashed and Lucullus waylaid before he could reach the banquetting-hall. So Mr.

"Then, if you'll give me particulars ," suggested Podmore, reaching for his memorandum pad. "Be good enough to answer my question, please. When will Mr. Wade be in his office?" "Sorry, but it's impossible to say, Mr." he glanced at the card deliberately "Kendrick. If you are looking for a job " "I want to see Mr.

Go and report to him and try to understand the meaning of the word 'loyalty. Our party doesn't care a tinker's dam who has had, now has, or will have that envelope. And if you want to get thrown out by the scruff of the neck just try going to headquarters with your crazy proposition." "You surely you don't mean that, Fergey, old man?" said Podmore, searching the other's face with misgiving.

Everybody who came into that anteroom began the same way and Podmore tilted back in his chair and appraised the other coldly, noting two things particularly the young man's athletic build and the very marked discoloration of his left eye. Another job hunter! "State your business, please." "You will excuse me," said Kendrick, "but the matter is entirely personal between Mr. Wade and myself.

For the life of you don't dislodge any stones. They'd go down with a crash that could be heard a mile on a night like this." They reached the top without this misfortune, however, and dropped behind the rocks with no little satisfaction. "Now Jimmy, what's the meaning of all this?" demanded Phil. "Keep your voice down to a whisper. Podmore what about him?

"It isn't wise to believe everything one hears, Jimmy, through key-holes," advised Kendrick. "That's all a bluff. It was Mr. Wade's idea that by pretending to be friendly toward Podmore I might get a line on something. We framed up the whole thing on Podmore." "But the envelope really was swiped an' hid in the stump, wasn't it?" "Yes, I left it there at Mr. Wade's suggestion."

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