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The old fellow's coolness, his ready acceptance of the Bristol facts, his almost contemptuous brushing aside of them, reduced Vickers to a feeling of helplessness. And Chatfield saw it, and laughed, and drawing a pocket-flask out of his garments, helped himself to a tot of spirits after which he good-naturedly offered like refreshment to Vickers. But Vickers shook his head. "No, thanks," he said.

The tapping was soon accomplished, and a quantity of the spirit was drawn off into the captain's pocket-flask. "Taste it, captain, and let's have your opinion." Captain Ogilvy complied.

Our patient soon recovered his senses and evinced no little gratitude for the service we had rendered him, insisting upon our accepting at his hands, merely, he said, as a souvenir of our good -Samaritanship, and as a token of his appreciation of the same, a small pocket-flask and an odd diamond-shaped stone pierced in the centre, which had hung from the end of his watch-chain, held in place by a minute gold ring.

The insult to Law. The drunken struggle. The prison. The alias. And now the attempt to pretend that nothing had happened when the criminal in question was doubtless swigging from a pocket-flask at this very moment for the courage to support his flagrant impudence in trying to see Nancy again. All this passed through Mrs. Ellicott's mind like a series of colored pictures in a Prohibition brochure.

As Arabella leant forward to see the show approach, something hard, and it would seem of metal, that she carried beneath her mantle, struck against the arm of my Lady Lisle, who, being a woman of somewhat quick temper, cried out, "Methinks that you carry a pocket-flask with you, Mistress Greenville, instead of a vial of essences. That which you have must hold a pint at least."

His heels had dug a hole in the hard clay floor; his wrists were skinned; his mouth and chin covered with earth, probably from his having bitten the ground in his agony. Herky helped him up and gave him a drink from a little pocket-flask. "Herky, if you think you've rid some in your day, look at thet hoss," said Bill, coolly, from the door.

As the boat swung around, he succeeded in fastening a line to the rocks, and sat down again with a feeling of renewed confidence and security. It was very cold. The insidious fog penetrated his tightly buttoned coat, and set his teeth to chattering in spite of the aid he sometimes drew from a pocket-flask. His clothes were wet and the stern-sheets were covered with spray.

As I watched her I saw that she was looking anxiously to right and left. Close by me a pool of water had formed in a hollow. Dipping the cup of my pocket-flask into it, I carried it across to her. "Miss Cameron, I believe," said I. "I am your fellow-lodger. Upperton is my name. We must introduce ourselves in these wilds if we are not to be for ever strangers." "Oh, then, you live also with Mrs.

The tapping was soon accomplished, and a quantity of the spirit was drawn off into the captain's pocket-flask. "Taste it, captain, and let's have your opinion." Captain Ogilvy complied.

He didn't think that it would come very heavy at first; and, once landed, we need not care how hard it blew. He tendered me over the gunwale a pocket-flask covered with leather, and with a screwed silver stopper in the shape of a cup. It was from the captain; full of prime rum. We were pretty sure to get wet. He thrust, also, into my hands a gray woollen shawl. Mrs.