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In the mean time, we say this much let those who cannot make it out, carry it to their tailor; it is a tailor's mystery, and no one has so good a right to understand it except, perhaps, a tailor's wife. At the period of his matrimony, Neal had become as plump and as stout as he ever was known to be in his plumpest and stoutest days.

The girl, in her turn, throws a favorable regard on some fortunate young man, offers her hand to lead him forth, makes him happy with a maidenly kiss, and withdraws to hide her blushes, if any there be, among the simpering faces in the ring; while the favored swain loses no time in transferring her salute to the prettiest and plumpest among the many mouths that are primming themselves in anticipation.

And especially he looked at Grayking, the plumpest and most tempting of them all, and smacked his lips. "Oh, how I wish I had you in my frying-pan!" he said to himself. Now it happened that worms were rather scarce in the convent meadow that spring. It had been dry, and the worms had crawled away to moister places. So Grayking and his followers found it hard to get breakfast enough.

It was somewhere about the middle of winter, along in the forenoon, that Josiah Allen was telegrafted to, unexpected. We wuz both tickled, highly tickled; and Josiah, before he had read the telegraf ten minutes, was out killin' a hen. The plumpest one in the flock was the order I give; and I wus a beginnin' to make a fuss, and cook up for her. We loved her jest about as well as we did Tirzah Ann.

The Italian under-gardener, who had been specially recommended for the melon-houses though it was against my cousin's principles to employ a Papist had been assigned to the care of the monster: for it had revealed itself, early in its existence, as destined to become a monster, to surpass its plumpest, pulpiest sisters, carry off prizes at agricultural shows, and be photographed and celebrated in every gardening paper in the land.

The girl, in her turn, throws a favorable regard on some fortunate young man, offers her hand to lead him forth, makes him happy with a maidenly kiss, and withdraws to hide her blushes, if any there be, among the simpering faces in the ring; while the favored swain loses no time in transferring her salute to the prettiest and plumpest among the many mouths that are primming themselves in anticipation.

There was another roar at this. Schilsky looked as black as thunder. Again Furst strove to intercede. "Jealous? in seven devils' name, why jealous? The old scarecrow! She hasn't an ounce of flesh to her bones." Schilsky laughed. "Much you know about it, you fool! Flesh or no flesh, she's as troublesome as the plumpest. I wouldn't go through the last month again for all you could offer me.

Indeed, it might be said of her that she was one of its plumpest bolsters; and Jeff, although admittedly of no religious persuasion, had grown up in the shadow of a differing creed. The winning over of the black ram of another fold would be a greater victory than the reclamation of any wandering sheep who had been reared as a true believer.

Samson and John, however, were called upon for aid, and, whereas they were ordered to "dress six of the plumpest fowl in the hennery," they brought a dozen, and for "one likely shoat," they made ready two. Nor, when they were upbraided for wastefulness, were they a whit abashed, but John demanded, with unfilial directness: "Why, mother, what's got your common sense?

He felt that he was as good as buried alive. What was to be the outcome of this perilous adventure? Snap had fairly good luck while on the hunt. He shot half a dozen rabbits and one of the plumpest partridges he had yet seen. As he moved along, he listened for some shots from Shep, but, hearing none, concluded that his chum was having no success. "It's too bad," thought Snap, at length.