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In the silence that followed Pete's rather rasping voice was heard "I ain't got no best girl!" "Ye're in luck," groaned Dan. "This may break pore Mame's heart. When I'm gone, she'll remember that onst I was the greatest thing on this green earth to her." Presently Pete remarked: "Surgeon an' pathologist is the Perfessor." "Meanin'?" "Like as not he'll operate." "Operate?"

He writes verses about love in words so stormy that you might fancy that Jove was descending upon Semele; but when you examine his words, as a sober pathologist like myself is disposed to do, your fear for the peace of households vanishes, they are Fox et proeterea nihil; no man really in love would use them. He writes prose about the wrongs of humanity.

Two of them did not cross the pass, however the Forest Pathologist from Washington, who travels all over the country watching for tree-diseases and tree-epidemics and who left us after a few days, and the Supervisor of Chelan Forest, who had but just come from Oregon and was making his first trip over his new territory.

He was constantly at war with the pathologist over the question of where histology left off and pathology began, and both of them were inclined to differ with the man in charge of the hygienic laboratory over similar questions of jurisdiction. Furthermore, we had a chemical laboratory split up into various more or less independent subdivisions, and a psychological laboratory.

As soon as it was generally understood on board that we had brought with us the famous physiologist and pathologist, the man whose name was famous throughout Europe, we might have asked for anything that the ship contained without fear of a refusal. But, indeed, Hilda's sweet face was enough in itself to win the interest and sympathy of all who saw it.

A few days afterward, Virchow, the great pathologist, an active member of the "progressive" parliamentary party, hating new theories in politics just as much as in science violently assailed the Darwinian theory of organic evolution, and, moved by a very just presentiment, hurled against it this cry of alarm, this political anathema: "Darwinism leads directly to socialism."

"Your reference to the post-mortem," said he, "reminds me that I forgot to put the ox-gall into my case." "Ox-gall!" I exclaimed, endeavouring vainly to connect this substance with the technique of the pathologist. "What were you going to do with " But here I broke off, remembering my friend's dislike of any discussion of his methods before strangers.

"That's a gilt-edged idea. Perfessor, ye're a pathologist, ain't yer?" The Professor nodded. Genius, however exalted, acknowledges unsolicited testimonials from any source. He saw plainly that in Dan's eyes he loomed gigantic. "I am," he replied graciously. "A path-finder, a seeker-out of noo tracks to knowledge?" "You might express it worse," said the Professor. "What can I do for you?"

"Nevertheless, it is a point not without importance, when it is considered in conjunction with the other circumstances of the case. The evidence of the Government pathologist is also of interest.

#Serum Diagnosis Wassermann Reaction.# Wassermann found that if an extract of syphilitic liver rich in spirochætes is mixed with the serum from a syphilitic patient, a large amount of complement is fixed. The application of the test is highly complicated and can only be carried out by an expert pathologist. For the purpose he is supplied with from 5 c.c. to 10