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"Och, it's cheese you're giving me," said she, with a grimace that nearly cured my passion. "A cottage, a hut, with you with you," said I, in a cadence that I defy Macready to rival "what is worldly splendour, or the empty glitter of rank." I here glanced at my epaulettes, upon which I saw her eyes rivetted. "Isn't the ginger beer beautiful," said she, emptying a glass of champagne.

It was bitter to ask only for oblivion from the woman whom he loved with all the strength of a sudden passion born in utter hopelessness; the woman whose smile, whose beauty, whose love might even possibly have been won as his own in the future, if he could have claimed his birthright.

Discouraged by everyone around me, daunted by the laborious effort needful to carry out the scheme, it seems odd to me now that I persisted in so strange and wearisome an employment, but it became an absorbing passion, and was indulged in to the neglect of other lessons and other pleasures.

'My dear, said she, 'I never smelt it, or I assure you I should never have prevailed upon myself to marry you. 'My dear, I am sorry you did not smell it, but we can't help that now, returned my master, without putting himself in a passion, or going out of his way, but just fair and easy helped himself to another glass, and drank it off to her good health.

She came at last to believe that the fierce flame of his passion had wholly burnt itself out, consuming all the love he had ever known; and that only ashes remained. So she could not call him back, and for a time she even shrank from asking news of him.

Now and then there are betrayals of that predominant French weakness, which the French will persist in cherishing as a virtue, the love of glory. M. Sainte-Beuve thinks Buffon's passion for glory saved him in his latter years from ennui, from "that languor of the soul which follows the age of the passions."

This question I put fairly to Atkins, who replied in a passion, How can I be easy in a state which I know must terminate in my ruin? for I really believe, some time or other, I shall cut my threat, to put a period both to my life, and to the terrors of my conscience.

But although the duke's passion for building new churches and palaces or beautifying those which he had already built, was as ardent as ever, it became more and more difficult to find the money to meet the vast expenditure which his splendid schemes involved.

They could not understand: she said to herself passionately that no man could understand the recoil of a woman's heart against sensual passion and impurity. In her eyes Sydney had fallen as much as the woman whom he had betrayed, although she knew that the world would not say so; and in his degradation she felt herself included.

"I wonder you a'n't ashamed of yourself, girl!" cried old Panton, choking with passion. "And I'm sure I wonder you a'n't ashamed of yourself, Mr. Panton, if you come to that," cried Mrs. Panton, "exposing of your family affairs this way by your unseasonable passions, when one has asked people to dinner too."