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Updated: August 28, 2024

He was certainly not an ordinary miser; and his passion covered, no doubt, extreme enjoyments and secret conceptions. "What is the present rate of Venetian sequins?" he said abruptly to his future apprentice. "Three-quarters at Brussels; one in Ghent." "What is the freight on the Scheldt?" "Three sous parisis." "Any news at Ghent?" "The brother of Lieven d'Herde is ruined." "Ah!"

Jehan restrained him. "Fye, Captain Phoebus de Chateaupers!" Phoebus counted the coins, and turning towards Jehan with solemnity, "Do you know, Jehan, that there are three and twenty sous parisis! whom have you plundered to-night, in the Street Cut-Weazand?" Jehan flung back his blonde and curly head, and said, half-closing his eyes disdainfully,

I ask you, Messer Cicero, and Messer Seneca, copies of whom, all dog's-eared, I behold scattered on the floor, what profits it me to know, better than any governor of the mint, or any Jew on the Pont aux Changeurs, that a golden crown stamped with a crown is worth thirty-five unzains of twenty-five sous, and eight deniers parisis apiece, and that a crown stamped with a crescent is worth thirty-six unzains of twenty-six sous, six deniers tournois apiece, if I have not a single wretched black liard to risk on the double-six!

I swear to you that 'twas Monsieur the Cardinal d'Angers and not I, who was guilty of treason." "The mason is bold!" said the king. "Continue, Olivier." Olivier continued, "To a joiner for window frames, bedstead, hollow stool, and other things, twenty livres, two sols parisis." The voice also continued. "Alas, sire! will you not listen to me?

"If you will make a will, to whom will you leave the house? "To Chiquon." "And the quit rent of the Rue St. Denys?" "To Chiquon." "And the fief of Ville Parisis?" "To Chiquon." "But," said the captain, with his big voice, "everything then will be Chiquon's."

Louis at his death left them an annual rente of thirty livres parisis that every inmate might have a good mess of pottage daily, and Philip le Bel ordered a fleur-de-lys to be embroidered on their dress that they might be known as the king's poor folk.

All at once he turned round to Claude with the agile quickness of a wagtail. "So, my good brother, you refuse me a sou parisis, wherewith to buy a crust at a baker's shop?" "Qui non laborat, non manducet." At this response of the inflexible archdeacon, Jehan hid his head in his hands, like a woman sobbing, and exclaimed with an expression of despair: "Orororororoi."

The archdeacon promptly returned to his original severity. "I will send you some new boots, but no money." "Only a poor little parisis, brother," continued the suppliant Jehan. "I will learn Gratian by heart, I will believe firmly in God, I will be a regular Pythagoras of science and virtue. But one little parisis, in mercy!

"For having searched and ransacked in certain places, in Paris as well as elsewhere, for money said to be there concealed; but nothing hath been found: forty-five livres parisis." "Bury a crown to unearth a sou!" said the king.

"To Adam Tenon, clerk of the warden of the seals of the provostship of Paris; for the silver, making, and engraving of said seals, which have been made new because the others preceding, by reason of their antiquity and their worn condition, could no longer be successfully used, twelve livres parisis.

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