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Mrs Oxbelly is a very large woman very large indeed." "Well, but now we must hold a council of war. Are we to run up the coast, or to shape our course direct for Palermo?" "Course direct, and we shall take nothing, that is certain," said Gascoigne. "If we take nothing we shall make no prize-money," continued Oxbelly. "If we make no prize-money the men will be discontented," said Easy.

"No doubt, no doubt, Mr Gascoigne; but nevertheless, the king's prerogative must never be given up." "Then I agree with you, Mr Oxbelly; it must be held in case of sudden emergency and absolute need." "We'll argue that point by-and-bye," replied Jack; "now let us consult as to our measures. My opinion is, that if I made more sail we should beat the frigate, but she would come up with the prizes."

"Agnes will be better defended going home by men who have been accustomed to be in action. And, as for her waiting a little longer, it will only make her love you a little more." "Sleep single a little longer, Mr Easy, it's very pleasant," said Mr Oxbelly. "That's not very bad advice of yours," observed Gascoigne. "Stop a little, Massa Easy," said Mesty, "you know dat very good advice."

Mrs Oxbelly and Billy were on deck the whole time and Billy was quite delighted, and cried when they took him down to breakfast." "Why, Mrs Oxbelly must be very courageous." "Cares neither for shot nor shell, sir, laughs when they whiz over her head, and tells Billy to hark. But, sir, it's not surprising; her father is a major, and her two brothers are lieutenants in the bombardiers."

The person selected by Dr Middleton, by the advice of an old friend of his, a purser in the navy, who lived at Southsea, was a Lieutenant Oxbelly, who, with the ship's company, which had been collected, received our hero as their captain and owner upon his arrival on board.

She knows all by this time, and frets, I don't doubt; but that will make her thin, and then there will be more room in the bed. Mrs Oxbelly is a very stout woman." "Why, you are not a little man!" "No, not little tending to be lusty, as the saying is that is, in good condition. It's very strange that Mrs Oxbelly has an idea that she is not large. I cannot persuade her to it.

"Well, sir, I can say no more," said Jack, walking aft to the taffrail, to which Oxbelly and Gascoigne had retreated. "Come, my lads, get those men in the boat," said the lieutenant. But the men had all retreated forward in a body, with Mesty at their head, and had armed themselves.

"A very good speech, Mr Easy," said Mr Oxbelly, as the men went forward; "I wish my wife had heard it. But, sir, if you please, we'll now get under way as fast as we can, for there is a Channel cruiser working up at St Helen's, and we may give him the go-by by running through the Needles." "But what need we care for the Channel cruiser?"

"But," said Easy, "I am happy to say that, with pay and prize-money, during his short absence, he has brought home nearly five hundred pounds." "Five hundred pounds you don't say so, sir?" exclaimed Mrs Oxbelly; "are you sure of that?" "Quite sure," rejoined Gascoigne. "Five hundred pounds! Well, that is comfortable dear me! how glad I shall be to see him!

She will take up more than her share of the bed, and won't allow me to sleep single; but never mind that, sir; now will you please to muster the men?" "If you please, Mr Oxbelly." The men were mustered, and Jack made them a long speech upon subordination, discipline, activity, duty, and so forth.