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"How shall we know what is just right?" asked Kitty, puckering her brow, as she pondered this knotty question. "Well, Kit, if you're in doubt, leave it to the buyers. They'll probably give you more that way, than if you set the price yourself. And especially with flowers. People always expect to overpay for them at a fair." "But I don't want to cheat the people," said Kitty.

No American can overpay the debt of gratitude we all of us owe to the officers and enlisted men of the army and of the navy. Of course with a regiment of our type there was much to learn both among the officers and the men. There were all kinds of funny incidents.

The young fellow with the bad amiable face came in a calash, and refused to overpay the driver with a gay decision that made him Basil's envy till he saw his tribulation in getting the troupe's luggage checked. There were forty pieces, and it always remained a mystery, considering the small amount of clothing necessary to those people on the stage, what could have filled their trunks.

He is the sort of man to do kindnesses, but he is ashamed to receive them; the former putting a man in the position of superiority, the latter in that of inferiority; accordingly he will greatly overpay any kindness done to him, because the original actor will thus be laid under obligation and be in the position of the party benefited.

He brought them back with a magnificent bow, and was then as visibly disappointed with the share of the change returned to him as a child would have been. They went to their places with the sting of his disappointment rankling in their hearts. "One ought always to overpay them," March sighed, "and I will do it from this time forth; we shall not be much the poorer for it.

But you mustn't overpay me. I should be so angry if you did that." "There's no danger. I'm a good business man, I assure you. I should pay a capable secretary like you knowing several languages and all that say forty dollars a week. That's about two hundred francs." "Wouldn't that be too much?" "Hardly enough." "You are so good so good! But I knew you would be.

"Never mind," said the princess, "unload them all the same, and we will arrange the price." The captain accordingly sent his boat off to the ship and it soon returned laden with the fifty pots of olives. The princess asked what they might be worth. "Sire," replied the captain, "the merchant is very poor. Your Majesty will not overpay him if you give him a thousand pieces of silver."

He does not know for I have not yet dared to tell the men that the Paymaster has been already reproved by the Pay Department for fulfilling even in part the pledges of the War Department; that at the next payment the ten dollars are to be further reduced to seven; and that, to crown the whole, all the previous overpay is to be again deducted or "stopped" from the future wages, thus leaving them a little more than a dollar a month for six months to come, unless Congress interfere!

The hose was cool to his hands. As the bright arrows fell with a faint puttering sound, a crescent of blackness was formed in the gray dust. Dave Dyer came along. "Where going, Dave?" "Down to the store. Just had supper." "But Thursday 's your night off." "Sure, but Pete went home. His mother 's supposed to be sick. Gosh, these clerks you get nowadays overpay 'em and then they won't work!"

"Aunt Catherine," said Thorold, "I do not precisely think that gold lace is glory. But I mean that I will do my duty. A man can do no more." "Some would have said, 'a man can do no less, " said Miss Cardigan, turning to me. "But you are right, lad; more than our duty we can none of us do; where all is owing, less will not be overpay. But whatever do you think her father will say to you?"