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If he could have heard what her parents were saying that evening, if he could have put himself at the point ov view of the family and have heard that Kitty would be unhappy if he did not marry her, he would have been greatly astonished, and would not have believed it. He could not believe that what gave such great and delicate pleasure to him, and above all to her, could be wrong.

"Never fear for that," says his Riv'rence, "I've a good stick ov surds here in the bottle; for I tell you it will take us a long time to exthract the root ov it, at the rate we're going on." "What makes you call the blessed quart an irrational quantity?" says the Pope. "Because it's too much for one and too little for two," says his Riv'rence.

"I tould yez, sor, I wouldn't touch a dhrop ov the craythur, maynin' whisky, sure," he said, with a miserable attempt at a grin; for he felt very much humiliated at losing his stripes, Macan sober being quite a different man to Macan drunk. "An' faix I niver bruk me wurrud at all, at all, I'll swear, sor." "How can you have the face to deny it, man?" cried the doctor, angrily.

One evening when he had been chatting rather later than usual at Luke Marner's, Luke said: "Oi think there's something i' t' wind. Oi heerd at t' Cow this evening that there are some straangers i' the village. They're at t' Dog. Oi thinks there's soom sort ov a council there. Oi heers as they be from Huddersfield, which be the headquarters o' General Lud in this part.

O'Hare arrived with a bang! He put his bundles down on the table and vigorously swung his arms like flails around him to thaw himself out. Anna arranged the table and prepared the meal. Billy and Jamie went at the tobacco. Boyle took the whiskey and said: "I thank my God an' the holy angels that I'm in th' house ov timperance payple!"

Wheer's th' Sunday-school, chylt? Bill. Second door round the corner, sir. Tho. Second dur reawnd th' corner! Which corner, my man? Bill. Round any corner. Second door's all-ways Sunday-school. THOMAS sits down on a door-step. Tho. Eh, but aw be main weary! Surely th' Lord dunnot be a forsakin' ov mo. There's that abeawt th' lost ship.

"Ye can haave whativer benefit ov th' doubt there is, Jamie, but jist th' same any oul throllop can be a father, but by G it takes a rale wuman t' be th' mother ov a rale maan! Put that in yer pipe an' smoke it." "He seems t' think," said Jamie, appealing to me, "that only quality can projuce fine childther!"

I ever and always thought that asthronomy was the hardest science that was till now, and, it's no lie I'm telling you, the same asthronomy is a tough enough morsel to brake a man's fast upon, and geolidgy is middling and hard too, and hydherastatics is no joke, but ov all the books ov science that ever was opened and shut, that book upon P'litical Econimy lifts the pins!

'Purty well, Micky, his head is out. 'Begorra, thin, I know th' rist ov 'im will be out soon I'll pay for no more masses! Your head is up and out from the bottom of th' world, and I haave faith that ye'll purty soon be all out, an' some day ye'll get the larger view, for ye'll be in a larger place an' ye'll haave seen more of people an' more of the world." I have two letters of that period.

I'll jest take charge ov him myself. That's my dooty here," & he ketched hold ov Abraham Lincoln's collar. Abe, in his scare, put out his arms to ketch hold ov something, & throwed them around the big important man, & lifted him clean offen his feet. I never before realized how strong Abe wuz. The soljers gethered around, purty mad, and then laffin and yellin when they see the man in Abe's arms.