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Sam accordingly took the book, and putting it into Hourigan's hand, said, "You shall make true answers to such questions as shall be put to you, and swear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God, and one-and-sixpence to me!" "Never mind the one-and-sixpence at present, Sam," said his master, "he owes you nothing now. Proceed."

They sparred an innocuous three rounds, and the man of war was kind enough to whisper in his ear as they left the room that he hoped he would win the final, and that he himself had a matter of one-and-sixpence with Old Spud Smith on his success. "For I'm a man," said the amiable warrior confidentially, "as knows Class when he sees it. You're Class, sir, that's what you are."

"This is my card," said the lady "Mrs. Rivers, Curzon Street, Mayfair and I shall expect you to-morrow afternoon that is to say, if the doctor approves of you. Here is one-and-sixpence for your cab fare." "Thank you, ma'am." "I shall expect you not later than four o'clock. I hope you won't disappoint me; remember my child is waiting." When Mrs. Rivers left, Esther consulted with Mrs. Jones.

"You shall give me one day a French lunch with a bottle of wine thrown in at one-and-sixpence. Mind, I must have the wine." "You shall have the wine. But it isn't good form to talk about the price of a lunch you are invited to." Laughing light-heartedly, they plunged into a labyrinth of dark streets. The west wind had brought a gentle rain with it now.

"I wouldn't mind letting you out," said the Gardener. "But I mustn't open the door for children. D'you think I'd disobey the Rules? Not for one-and-sixpence!" The Professor cautiously produced a couple of shillings. "That'll do it!" the Gardener shouted, as he hurled the watering-can across the flower-bed, and produced a handful of keys one large one, and a number of small ones.

Good tweed, twenty-seven inches wide, may be bought in Donegal for a shilling a yard, and stout twills for one-and-sixpence. The people shear the wool, card it, spin it, dye the yarn made from herbs growing on the sea-shore, on the rocks, in the meadows, and weave it into cloth, which is much in vogue for shooting suits and ladies' dresses.

The words were said in an undertone to Esther, and the shop-woman turned to get down the ready-made things which Mrs. Saunders had asked to see. "Here," said the shopwoman, "is the gown, longcloth, one-and-sixpence; here is the flannel, one-and-sixpence; and here is the little shirt, sixpence." "You must have these to go on with, dear, and if the baby lives you'll want another set."

One-and-sixpence is sent by another child in postage-stamps, and 1 pound 5 shillings as the collection of a Sunday school in Manchester; 15 pounds from three fellow-servants; 10 pounds from a shipwrecked pilot, and 10 shillings, 6 pence from an "old salt." I myself had once the pleasure of receiving twopence for the lifeboat cause from an exceedingly poor but enthusiastic old woman!

In the meantime, the employment they sought for was provided, not at sixpence, but at one-and-sixpence a day; so that for a time they appeared to feel satisfied, and matters went on peaceably enough. This, however, was too good to last.

After lunch she sauntered back into Regent Street and stopped by an American Beauty Parlour. She went in and inquired the price of a manicure. It would be one-and-sixpence. So she entered a warm wee cubicle full of beauty apparatus, sat down, and gave her right hand for the manicurist's ministrations. The manicurist was a lithe, tall girl, with a small young, wicked face; and meekly demure.