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Updated: August 14, 2024

Sometimes, when on the war-path, a clever bad man can reason with them till he blinds them, and they are ready to do wrong. It may be so now. Okematan is clever. Kateegoose does not know what to advise." "Kateegoose was not asked to advise," returned Dechamp sternly. "He may return to his tent."

In accordance with the assurance given to Okematan Antoine Dechamp at once gave orders to make preparation for an immediate start after the buffalo much to the satisfaction of the hunters, especially the young ones.

"Only that the horse of Okematan has been shot under him by some one, and that there is a would-be murderer in the camp." "Okematan! Has the traitor ventured to return?" exclaimed Kateegoose, with an expression of surprise that was very unusual in an Indian. "Ay, he has ventured," responded Dechamp, "and some one has ventured to fire at him with intent to kill. By good luck he was a bad shot.

But tell me," here the half-breed commandant turned a searching gaze on his companion, "why did Okematan leave us, and spend all night alone on the prairie? Did he spend the night in conversation with the buffalo or in the company of his departed forefathers?"

Okematan took the stern of the other, while Archie Sinclair wielded the bow-paddle, and Little Bill was placed in the middle on a comfortable green blanket with the celebrated "bum-rella" erected over him to keep off, not the rain, but, the too glorious sunshine. Let loose in the wilderness! How romantic, how inexpressibly delightful, that idea seems to some minds!

No word did they dare to utter, but Fergus made formations with his lips of a most extravagant nature, which, however, clearly spelt "Okematan." When he had finished, he nodded and turned his gaze again on the Crees.

It iss yourself that knows the outs an' ins o' the land better than any of us except Okematan, may be but I dar' say he's not as weel acquaint wi' the Red River woods as wi' the plains." The chief bowed a dignified assent to this proposition, which, however, he hardly understood.

I want advice just now very bad. You've heard what they've all been saying about this shot that was fired at Okematan, and some o' the men say they think it must have been Kateegoose that did it. Now, Billie, I am sure that it was Kateegoose that did it." "Oh!" exclaimed Little Bill, making his eyes and mouth into three round O's. "How d'ye know that? Did you see him do it?"

He was an ill-favoured savage, with various expressions on his ugly visage which were not so much Nature's gifts as the result of his own evil passions. Jealousy was one of them, and he had often turned a green eye on Okematan. There were indications about his mouth and fingers, as he came forward, that justified the commentaries on his habits, and betrayed recent acquaintance with fat pork.

"But it won't last long," said the eldest son, who seemed to be the only growler in the family. "N'importe we will enjoy it while it lasts," said the younger son. "Yes, truly we will," remarked Madame Dobelle. Whereupon the daughter of eighteen smiled, and the daughter of four giggled. "What does Okematan think?" asked the host.

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