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He stopped, for his brother's head had bent slowly forward while he was speaking, and now rested on his arms on the table. The worn-out man was sound asleep. "Just leave him, Peter, and be off wi' the dogs," said Mrs Davidson. "Okematan will keep you in the right track. I'll be sure to wake him in time to catch you up." "No, mother, not without his leave," said the youth, firmly. "Dan!

"Besides," continued Okematan, with a slight touch of pathos in his tone, "there are good and bad men among the Palefaces, just as there are good and bad among ourselves. I have dwelt for many moons with a tribe called Scosh-min. Okematan loves the Scosh-min.

Instantly the sound of the paddles ceased as Archie Sinclair, looking over his shoulder, said "Did you hear that, Oke?" Before Oke could reply, the cry was repeated. "It is Fer-gus," said the Indian, answering to the cry, and steering in the direction whence it came. "Are you sure, Oke?" "Okematan never speaks till he is sure waugh!" "H'm! I'm not so sure o' that," muttered the boy to himself.

He was not the man, however, to betray his feelings, or to commit himself in any way; therefore he took refuge in silence. "Come now, Okematan," said his companion in a confidential tone. "Don't let a misunderstanding arise between you and me. What is this that I have heard? You spent last night, as you admit, with a party of Crees on the war-path.

"Now look here, Dan, you know me: will you trust me?" "Of course I will," answered Dan with a languid smile. "Well, then; come along, we'll rescue Elspie you may depend on that. Okematan and I will look after you and see that all goes right. Come."

"A big band has been here," he said. "They slept on the island last night, and the signs show that they do not come as friends." "Are you sure of that?" asked Dan. "Okematan is sure of nothing. Even the sun may not rise to-morrow." "Had we not better, then, return at once to the Settlement, and tell what we have seen?" said Dan. "If we did, the Saulteaux would see us and give chase.

Rising with the dignity that befitted his rank, Okematan, in a low but telling voice, delivered himself, as follows: "When Okematan left his people and went to live for a time in the wigwams of the Palefaces, he wished to find out for himself what they wanted in our land, and why they were not content to remain in their own land.

Jenkins, Okematan, and Archie had been out with their guns that day the last having been promoted to the use of the dangerous weapon and in their wanderings had about nightfall come upon a family of half-breeds named Dobelle, a good-natured set, who lived, like La Certe, on the laissez faire principle; who dwelt in a little log-hut of their own construction within the margin of the forest, not far from the shore of the great lake.

This advice was hailed with a good many "Waughs," as well as approving nods and looks, and it seemed as if the plan were about to be carried into action without delay, when, as we have seen, Okematan arose to address the assemblage. Okematan was a great chief much greater in the estimation of his tribe than the whites with whom he had been associating in Red River were aware of.

It iss a wolf that will be livin' inside o' me for the last few tays a hungry wolf too an' nothin' for him to eat. That's right, Okematan, on wi' the kettle; it iss yourself that knows what it iss to starve. Blow up the fire, Peter Tavidson. You're a cliver boy for your age, an' hes goot lungs, I make no doubt."