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Let it suffice, that it is a fit soil for praise to dwell upon: and what dispraise may set upon it is either easily overcome, or transformed into just commendation. How can I but exclaim, Musa mihi causas memora, quo numine laso, Upon this necessarily followeth, that base men with servile wits undertake it: who think it enough, if they can be rewarded of the printer.

Finis et Hesperiae promoto milite varus, Quaque sub Herculeo sacratus numine Portus Urget rupe cava Pelagus, non Corus in illum Jus habet, aut Zephirus, solus sua littora turbat Circius, et tuta prohibet statione Monaeci. The Troops advanc'd as far As flows th' Hesperian Boundary, the Var; And where the mountain scoop'd by nature's hands, The spacious Port of Hercules, expands;

Parliament men, were turned out of doors by Oliver Cromwell. A German doctor of physick being then in London, sent me this paper: Strophe Alcaica: Generoso Domino Gulielmo Lillio Astrologo, de dissoluto nuper Parliamento. Quod calculasti Sydere prævio, Miles peregit numine conscio; Gentis videmus nunc Senatum Marte togaque gravi levatum. In the time of my imprisonment, Mr.

Thus was Cesare Borgia's petition granted, and his return to the world accomplished. And, by a strange chance of homonymy, his title remained unchanged despite his change of estate. The Cardinal of Valencia, in Spain, became the Duke of Valence or Valentinois in France and in Italy Valentino remained Valentino. "Cum numine Caesaris omen."

Sic aquilae clarum firmavit Iuppiter omen." I. ii. Rite igitur veteres quorum monumenta tenetis, Qui populos urbisque modo ac virtute regebant, Ritectiam vestri quorum pietasque fidesque Praestitit ac longe vicit sapientia cunctos Praecipue coluere vigenti numine divos.

Just as we say: convene by their delegates, or representatives. Publice==publica auctoritate, cf. same word, 10. Primordia. Initiatory rites. Minor, sc. numine. Inferior to the god. Prae se ferens. Expressing in his external appearance, or bearing in his own person an acknowledgment of the power of the divinity. Evolvuntur==se evolvunt, cf.

The sum of his history may be comprised in this one sentence Haec, sab numine, nobismet fecimas, sapientia duce, fortune permittente. Ah! how could I be otherwise than affected by whatever reminded me of that daily and familiar intercourse with him, which made the fifteen months from May, 1804, to October, 1805, in many respects the most memorable and instructive period of my life?

"My brethren," he said, "we have travelled, like Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees, not 'sine numine, that is not without God's protection; and as we are about to sleep in a place where devils once deluded Christian people, it will not be amiss to say the night song, and commend ourselves 'in manus Altissimi, that is to say, to God's care."

They would all punish offences in their own department, at least when it was a case of numine laeso, when the god who protected the hearth was offended by breach of hospitality, or when the gods invoked to witness an oath were offended by perjury. But how did a religiously minded man regard the gods? What hope or what fears did he entertain with regard to the future life?