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Updated: August 20, 2024

As her chamberlain drew near the house, Abu Nowas caught sight of him. 'There is the Sultana's chamberlain, he exclaimed in a fright. 'Now it is my turn to die. Be quick and spread the sheet over me. And he laid himself on the bed, and held his breath when the chamberlain came in. 'What are you weeping for? asked the man, finding the wife in tears.

'Oh, then we must get him another, answered the Sultana; 'I have a girl that will suit him exactly, and clapped her hands loudly. At this signal a maiden appeared and stood before her. 'I have got a husband for you, said the Sultana. 'Who is he? asked the girl. 'Abu Nowas, the jester, replied the Sultana.

Now you must go to the Sultana, clothed in sackcloth and robes of mourning, and tell her that your husband, Abu Nowas, is dead, and you have no money for his burial. When she hears that, she will be sure to ask you what has become of the money and the fine clothes she gave us on our marriage, and you will answer, "before he died he sold everything."

Wherefore I knew that he was Iblis and that he had done me pimp's duty, and I returned, recalling to my self the words of Abu Nowas in these couplets, "I marvel in Iblis such pride to see * Beside his low intent and villainy: He sinned to Adam who to bow refused, * Yet pimps for all of Adam's progeny," And they tell a tale concerning

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Caliph commanded Masrur, the sworder, to strip Abu Nowas of his court-suit and bind an ass's packsaddle on his back and a halter about his head, and a crupper under his rump and lead him round to all the lodgings of the slave-girls, and the chambers of the Harim, that the women might make mock of him; then cut off his head and bring it to him.

'I would give a thousand gold pieces to anyone who would tell me the truth about this, cried he, and at the words Abu Nowas sat up. 'Give them to me, then, said he, holding out his hand. 'You cannot give them to anyone who needs them more. 'Oh, Abu Nowas, you impudent dog! exclaimed the Sultan, bursting into a laugh, in which the Sultana joined.

For a long time they talked, and neither would listen to the other, till the Sultan sent for the door-keeper and bade him go instantly to the house of Abu Nowas and see if it was the man or his wife who was dead. But Abu Nowas happened to be sitting with his wife behind the latticed window, which looked on the street, and he saw the man coming, and sprang up at once.

"Drink not strong wine save at the slender dearling's hand; * Each like to other in all gifts the spirt grace: For wine can never gladden toper's heart and soul, * Unless the cup-boy show a bright and sparkling face." Then he drank off his cup and the bowl went round, and when it came to Abu Nowas again, joyance got the mastery of him and he repeated these couplets,

Moseilema, who outlived Mohammed about a year, was defeated and slain near his capital Yamama, by the Mohammedan hero Khalid, and Sedjah subsequently embraced Islamism. In the tale entitled "Djoaidi and Fadehat el Djemal" appears that hoary poet, philosopher and reprobate, Abu Nowas of The Arabian Nights.

'I might have known it was one of your tricks! But he sent Abu Nowas the gold he had promised, and let us hope that it did not fly so fast as the last had done. Motiratika Once upon a time, in a very hot country, a man lived with his wife in a little hut, which was surrounded by grass and flowers. They were perfectly happy together till, by-and-by, the woman fell ill and refused to take any food.

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