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Before the month and year were out no date given, let us call it Christmas Shelley and family were nested in a furnished house in Windsor, "at no great distance from the Boinvilles" these decoys still residing at Bracknell. What we need, now, is a misleading conjecture.

There was no other such beard in Leyden; indeed the boys, taking advantage of his good nature, would call to him as he passed, asking him if it was true that the storks nested in it every spring.

I shall be thankful when the journey is over, for on me depends the safety of all those with me, and it is a great responsibility." "Will winter soon be here?" asked Peter eagerly. "Rough Brother North Wind and Jack Frost were right behind us," replied Honker. "You know we stay in the Far North just as long as we can. Already the place where we nested is frozen and covered with snow.

The others glimpsed him by the starlight, nested down in a shallow depression of the sand. They crept close to him. "Lieutenant," he whispered, "you bombard the left-hand sector, toward the fire and the sea. Rrisa, take the right-hand one. The middle is for me. Fire at will!" Out from belts and pockets came the lethal pistols.

Hundreds of them went to nameless graves. But the work went on the great, driving, united heart beat on. Neale was under its impulse, in another sense. When he lifted a tie and felt the hard, splintering wood, he wondered where it had come from, what kind of a tree it was, who had played in its shade, how surely birds had nested in it and animals had grazed beneath it.

In the nearby bower of green, a pair of brown birds had just put the finishing touch to a new nest. But, in the years that had passed since that boy and girl play wedding, the tree had grown large, and scarred, and old. Many pairs of brown birds had nested and reared their broods in the hedge since that day when the lad had kissed his childhood mate with a kiss that was different.

He concealed the crock, now replenished with its contents, in the thatch just over his bed's head: it was a rescued darling: so he tore a deep hole, and nested it quite snugly. Perhaps it did not matter much, but the rain leaked in by that hole all night, and fortunate Roger woke in the morning drenched with wet, and racked by rheumatism.

Arranged along on a single pole, which sags down a few inches from the flooring it was intended to help support, are three of these structures, marking the number of years the birds have nested there. The foundation is of mud with a superstructure of moss, elaborately lined with hair and feathers.

They are mentioned by Rumphius in his Herbarium Amboinense, vol. ii. p. 257; but the tree in which he saw their dwelling is very different from that in which we found them. A third kind we found nested in the root of a plant, which grows on the bark of trees in the manner of misletoe, and which they had perforated for that use.

From grasshoppers the cubs took to hunting the wood-mice that nested in the dry moss and swarmed on the edges of every thicket. This was keener hunting; for the wood-mouse moves like a ray of light, and always makes at least one false start to mislead any that may be watching for him.