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This conversation was carried on until it was time to leave Mrs To at last quite silent, and the captain gulping down his wine with a sigh. When we rose from the table, Mrs To did not ask us, as usual, to stay and hear a little music; she was, like her piano, not a little out of tune. "By the powers, doctor, you did that nately," said O'Brien, as we left the cabin.

"Have I hit him?" said the old man, in a state of unusual excitement. "Bedad! it was the man Power! the cursed spy! An' just as I was going to slate the villain nately, came the kittle, and kilt me all over!" "Power? He's as many names as a pickpocket, and as many callings, too, I'll warrant.

That was Patrick's sport, and fight he would, ivery chance, from the time whin he was a bit of a lad, ten years ould, and bunged the ould schoolteacher's eyes in the parish school-house. Will, he got a good berth in a saloon in the Bowery, where they used Patrick in claning out the customers whin they got noisy, and he'd do it nately too, to the satisfaction of his employer.

I don't know yet that ye'd be willin' to come to terruuis; an' so ye're loike O'Rafferty in the song: "'Oh, a fine pair av handcuffs he wore, That the sheriff hiul nately adjusted, Because that official persayved That O'Rafferty couldn't be trusted." "Ah, sire," said Mrs. Russell, with a sigh, "Your Royal Majesty holds us by stronger bonds than bolts and bars."

"And by the same token he also has the key of the main cabin and of Misther Marshall's stateroom, your honour's honour," he added. "Which of those two men is Jack Hampton?" demanded Leslie. "It's the fellah that's triced up so nately to the port rail, sor," answered Dolan. "Then go you and take the keys out of his pocket," commanded Dick. "I have no doubt you know which they are."

Lave her now, and you may take your scould out another time. I want to spake to you. What's this I wanted to say? My memory's confusing itself. Oh, this was it I didn't till you how I got this promise of the inn: I did it nately I got it for a song. Miss G. You're joking, and I believe, sir, you're not over and above sober. There's a terrible strong smell of the whiskey. Christy.

Faith, he was a broth of a boy, the pride of all the McCarthy's," tears welled in his eyes as he continued, "just three years younger than mysilf, a light, ruddy, nately put togither lad as iver left the bogs; and talk about fightin'! the divil was niver in him but in a fight, and thin you'd think he was all divil.

But that difficulty was easily overcome, for 'What's the matter wid Pat Molloy painting it nately in white paint? she said. "Pat, being approached on the subject, expressed his entire willingness, and soon after called for the casket and took it away. He was told to letter the following, in neat, white letters: 'Michael Dooley departed this life in his prime, at the age of twenty-eight.

"Here, jewel," he continued, handing her a pencil from the mantelpiece "write yer name nately on that paper, fur Misther Collins till see."

"I tould you, Phadrick!! There's the boy that can rattle off the high English, and the larned Latin, jist as if he was born wid an English Dictionary in one cheek, a Latin Neksuggawn in the other, an Doctor Gallagher's Irish Sarmons nately on the top of his tongue between the two."