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How miserable would be the aspect of two rows of damp charity children, with red noses and no pocket-handkerchiefs! The rector himself had a cold in his head, and would be obliged to omit all the n's and m's in the marriage service. In short, everybody felt that the Abbey wedding was destined to be more or less a failure.

In the Library of the Hôpital des Invalides to-day, collected by order of Buonaparte for the use of the soldiers, there was a man pulling down all the books and stamping over the N's and eagles on the title-page with blue ink, which, if it did not make a plain L, at least blotted out the N; but I should apprehend that every one who saw the blot would think more of the vain endeavour of Louis to take his place than if the N had been left.

In little more than half an hour the cars returned from the city, and in about thirty minutes we were whirled under the covered depôt, where I was fortunate enough to get a hackney-coach, in which I proceeded at once to Mr. H n's house in Rue Bourgogne, where I was received by his nephews with a heartiness of welcome that made me in one moment feel that I was at home.

Her talk was all in n's, g's, and d's, and in mute e's strongly accented, as autre, theatre, splendide, the last being an epithet she applied to everything the Capitol contained, and especially to a horrible picture representing the famous Clemence Isaure, the reputed foundress of the poetical contest, presiding on one of these occasions.

It is whispered that the police have discovered another of Madame de C n's lost gold plates at a pawnbroker's, where it had been pledged by the wife of another Counsellor of State, Francois de Nantes.

'Young man, said he, 'it is not the letter N. Then before I could ask further he clapped his spurs into his horses ribs and rode, stomach to earth, upon his way. At first his words had no particular significance in my mind, but as I trotted onwards Violette chanced to half turn her dainty head, and my eyes were caught by the gleam of the brazen N's at the end of the bridle-chain.

The boys have got to run it some day, and they had better get their experience while they're young and capable of learning by it. I did." I like N's ideas. "Practically," I said, "you've been a public official. You've treated your business like a public service." That was his idea. "Would you mind if it was a public service?" He reflected, and some disagreeable memory darkened his face.

"I was never a whale at the long uns; when I was twelve I couldn't write my own name, and when I was nineteen I used to spell it with two n's." He chuckled again. "Opiate and prophylactic," he repeated, nodding his head. "That's Sergeant Smith. He is a dangerous devil because he is a rascal." "Constable Wiseman " began Jasper.

"He is a gentleman," replied the sherif "by nature a gentleman; and a very uncommon one, too. I defy a man to doubt word that comes out of his lips; all he says is impressed with the stamp of truth itself and by h n's he never committed the felony he's in for! Keep him as comfortable as you can." They then separated.

Does it serve any purpose to ungild the crown of Louis XIV., to scrape the coat of arms of Henry IV.? We scoff at M. de Vaublanc for erasing the N's from the bridge of Jena! What was it that he did? What are we doing? Bouvines belongs to us as well as Marengo. The fleurs-de-lys are ours as well as the N's. That is our patrimony. To what purpose shall we diminish it?