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Therewith the Colonel sauntered towards the group gathered round the piano. A little time afterwards Lady Montfort escaped from the Duchess, and, mingling courteously with her livelier guests, found herself close to Colonel Morley. "Will you give me my revenge at chess?" she asked, with her rare smile. The Colonel was charmed.

She ain't got a bob to bless 'erself with, she ain't. She's broke, stony broke. Honly for my kind 'eart she'd a been out on the street afore this. That and 'er tellin' me she was expectin' money from 'er rich friends in the States. You're from the States, ain't you, sir?" "Yes. But do you mean to tell me that Miss Morley has no money of her own?" "Of course I mean it.

"Again and further of course, all this is on the theory that Morley is a pusillanimous kind of man; but he would have to be just that to be taking money from a woman, any woman, much less the one to whom he is engaged to be married again and further, when he had lost the thousand and saw ruin just ahead of him again, he ran down here and asked for more money. "Perhaps, Mrs.

"Was the letter you speak of addressed to Captain Barnabas Cahoon?" "Yes." "Then then there isn't any mistake. I wrote it." I imagine that my mouth opened as wide as the maid's had done. "You!" I exclaimed. "Why why it was written by Francis Morley Francis Strickland Morley." "I am Frances Strickland Morley." I heard this, of course, but I did not comprehend it.

So, doubtless, he would have liked to remain for a long time still; but, with a start, he woke up, put his hands to his ear, as is his wont in these latter days when his hearing is not what it used to be, looked to the Speaker, and then to Mr. John Morley, and found that, all at once, without one moment's preparation, he had been called upon by the Speaker to enter on his great and perilous task.

Can you help me?" And again Lansing Treadwell, with a grin of amused understanding, put Sandy in the way of tutoring a rich man's sons. And now, Morley, tired, sad at heart, needing what he was too generous and unselfish to ask for, was responding to Markham's summons and was on his way to Bretherton. Of course neither Markham nor his sister could understand his need of sympathy and tenderness.

The plans thus promptly formed Alban Morley briefly explained to Lionel when the boy came to breakfast in Curzon Street; requesting him to obtain Mrs. Haughton's acquiesence in that exercise of the discretionary powers with which he had been invested by Mr. Darrell.

I'll ask him about the matter. Humph!" The ex-detective stopped for a moment. "This involuntary confession clears George Franklin." "Yes. He is innocent enough." "Well, but he inherited the money," said Morley. "It's queer that his brother, according to you, should have killed the girl who kept the fortune from him." "It is strange.

Braceway, he deduced from the article, was having his troubles making the Morley theory hang together. And why should he hurry back to Furmville? There was nothing new here. He shrugged his shoulders and unwrapped the bundle of out-of-town papers.

"He is the only one who will undertake it. They're all played out, you see. He has been drinking, but only on account of the hardships he has undergone to-night. You will be quite safe with Morley." No snow was falling, but a bleak wind blew meanly. The air was free from particles of sleet; wetly the fall of the night clung to the earth where it had fallen.