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George Morley was expected; he might bring tidings of the absent.

She came into our lives just long enough to purify our air and clear my vision. She'll go back now. We cannot keep her!" "Go back to whom?" This practical question took the smile from Lans's lips. "To Sandy Morley, I reckon," he said grimly; "most of every noble thing I might have had gets to him sooner or later. He always loved her; she has just confessed to me that she loves him."

"Who is that clever-looking young man sitting next the Archbishop?" asked Lord Selborne, who was also at the table. When he was told that it was Mr. Morley, the editor of the Fortnightly Review and the author of the famous "little g," he threw up his hands in absolute consternation. But Houghton had a rare discrimination in bringing men together.

"No, sir; I can't do that." "Well, you can stop some of these scoundrels throwing these abominable spears." "Not till daylight, I'm afraid, sir; and I fear that this light will be seen outside." "Can't help it," said the Doctor. "I can't play Blind-Man's Buff and stitch up wounds without a lamp. I want more help." "Shall I ask Mrs Morley to come, sir?" "My wife? No.

All I can promise you is this help me now and, by God! I'll let your hand rest on my tiller till I get into smooth waters again and I've learned my lesson! What I've got to tell you sounds like a yarn, Sand. All the time I was coming up The Way I kept repeating 'it's not true! but good Lord it is! Morley, I'm married. I was married early this morning!"

Morley stared. "Then you know " "Yes, I know; I met her last night by accident. And you have known all the time." "Indeed, I know nothing," said the little man. "I was about to say that you know where she is?" "Franklin did not tell you that she was with him, then?" "Miss Denham with Franklin at the Priory?" Morley looked stupefied. "She has been there all the time. I remember now.

Morley of his day said, 'We had better make it £10, and I'll give £5. Another £5 was offered by another member, if a like amount could be raised, to make it up to £20; which was done. They knew nothing about my grandfather's cow; but God did, you see; and there was the new cow for him. And those gentlemen in London were not aware of the importance of the service which they had rendered.

A democratic Government cannot go to war unless the country is behind it, and until it has general support must not place itself in a position whence, without fighting, there is no retreat. The difficulty of rallying public opinion in the face of the efforts of Mr. Morley, Mr. Courtney, Sir William Harcourt, and others have caused a most dangerous delay in the despatch of reinforcements.

Could we, after many years, turn back to the romance at the page at which we left off, we should " COLONEL MORLEY. "Not care a straw to read on! Certainly, half the peculiar charm of a person beloved must be ascribed to locality and circumstance." DARRELL. "I don't quite understand you." COLONEL MORLEY. "Then, as you liked my former illustration, I will explain myself by another one more homely.

He listened for a few moments to Mrs Morley's once more excited words; but he half-interrupted her before she had done, by exclaiming: "Here they come! I have told the Major, and he is turning out the men. For Heaven's sake, Mrs Morley, try and be calm." "I am trying, Sir Charles. But my husband absent! How can I look him in the face when he comes back?"