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"Wade's got you workin' on that Nickleby dope, aint he?" enquired McCorquodale after the fire was going beneath the kettle to his satisfaction. "He had me moochin' around on it fer a while, but they're a pretty smooth bunch, them fellers, an' I had to quit final." "How was that?" asked Kendrick with interest. "Did they catch you at it?" "Catch me?" repeated McCorquodale with an injured air.

I was moochin' around the bondroom when I happens to glance over the transfer book and notices that a big block of our debenture 6's are listed as goin' to the Federated Tractions. And the name of the party who's about to swap the 6's for Tractions preferred is a familiar one. It's Aunty's. Uh-huh Vee's!

"Seen Bemis lately?" he asked presently, realizing of a sudden that he had not visited the invalid for several days. Bud sniffed. "Sure. I was in there this mornin'. He's outa bed now moochin' around the room an' countin' the hours till he can back a horse." "Still got that notion the outfit isn't safe?" "I'll tell the world! He says life's too short to take any more chances of bein' bumped off.

Picardy that thar'll be loopholes cut on all four sides uh that thar cabin, and Jemimy and the twins'll be ready to argy with anybody that comes moochin' around unfriendly. I'm the peaceablest man you ever seen, but when I make up my mind to a thing, I'm firm! Pur-ty tol'able firm!" he added with complacent emphasis.

I s'pose you haven't been gettin' much hot food while you've been moochin' about in that boat, have ye?" "I have not," I replied. "It was impossible to do cooking of any kind, as of course you will readily understand." "Ah, well, ye'll be able to make up for it now," was the rejoinder, "for here comes the steward, teapot and all. Step down below into the cabin, and make yourself at home."

"We don't know anything about yer bloomin' oranges.... I seen one of the saloon passengers moochin' round for'ard last night. You'd better search the saloon for your blarsted oranges, an' don't come round tacklin' the wrong men." It was not necessary to search our quarters, for the "offside" steward was sweeping orange peel out of the steerage for three days thereafter.

Many a toime we childern went moochin' in thuck wood nutting and bird-nesting. Though I never did hold wi' taking more'n one egg out of a nest, and I allus did wet my vinger avore I touched the moss on a wren's nest. They do say as the little bird 'ull never go back if ye doant." His mind went roaming among childhood's memories and his eyes took on a dreaming look.

"Just that," says J. Bayard. "While your methods are not always of the subtlest, I must concede that at times your er native intuition " "Top floor all out!" I breaks in. "You mean I can do a quick frame-up without feelin' the party's bumps or consultin' the cards? Maybe I can. But I ain't strong for moochin' around these oolong joints among the draped tunics and vanity boxes."