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To stay here is to die; and if I go there, the end will be the same a poisoned cup, a bravo's blow, or a judge's sentence obtained by perjury. Messala and the procurator Gratus are rich with plunder of my father's estate, and it is more important to them to keep their gains now than was their getting in the first instance.

"Did you ever see Messala?" the Egyptian asked Esther. The Jewess shuddered as she answered no. If not her father's enemy, the Roman was Ben-Hur's. "He is beautiful as Apollo." As Iras spoke, her large eyes brightened and she shook her jeweled fan. Esther looked at her with the thought, "Is he, then, so much handsomer than Ben-Hur?"

As an involuntary admission of interest on the part of the spectators, a hush fell over all the Circus, so that for the first time in the race the rattle and clang of the cars plunging after the tugging steeds were distinctly heard. Then, it would seem, Messala observed Ben-Hur, and recognized him; and at once the audacity of the man flamed out in an astonishing manner.

Messala of Rome, in wager with Sanballat, also of Rome, says he will beat Ben-Hur, the Jew. Amount of wager, twenty talents. Odds to Sanballat, six to one. "Witnesses: SANBALLAT." There was no noise, no motion. Each person seemed held in the pose the reading found him. Messala stared at the memorandum, while the eyes which had him in view opened wide, and stared at him.

"Five give me five," cried the purveyor, instantly. A profound stillness fell upon the assemblage. "The consul your master and mine is waiting for me." The inaction became awkward to the many. "Give me five for the honor of Rome, five." "Five let it be," said one in answer. There was a sharp cheer a commotion and Messala himself appeared. "Five let it be," he said.

I can tell indeed that there are three syllables, that it has a harsh sound, and that it begins or ends with such a letter; but that's all; and if I should live long, I do not doubt but I should forget my own name, as some others have done. Messala Corvinus was two years without any trace of memory, which is also said of Georgius Trapezuntius.

"It came to me on the street," said that person, producing his tablets, and opening them on the table with an impressive air of business, "that there was great discomfort in the palace because offers on Messala were going without takers. The gods, you know, must have sacrifices; and here am I. You see my color; let us to the matter. Odds first, amounts next. What will you give me?"

"Well, if I put on his tunic, and dress him in these clothes of mine, and you and I go away together, leaving him here, can you not get your sestertii from Messala all the same? You have only to make him believe it me that is dead." Thord laughed till the tears ran into his mouth. "Ha, ha, ha! Ten thousand sestertii were never won so easily.

Each word in answer may prove to the after-life what each finger-touch of the artist is to the clay he is modelling. "I have a feeling, O my Judah," she said, patting his cheek with the hand he had been caressing "I have the feeling that all I have said has been in strife with an antagonist more real than imaginary. If Messala is the enemy, do not leave me to fight him in the dark.

So clearly was the feeling shown, so vigorous its manifestation, that Messala, with all his boldness, felt it unsafe to trifle further. As the cars whirled round the goal, Esther caught sight of Ben-Hur's face a little pale, a little higher raised, otherwise calm, even placid.