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Mantelish, for all his idiosyncrasies, is undoubtedly the greatest living biologist in the League. And the Plasmoid Project here at the school is without question the League's most important current undertaking." "So I've been told," said Trigger. "That's why I want to find out what's gone haywire with it." "In a moment," Plemponi said. "In a moment."

The reason the achievement hadn't been announced was that for nearly six weeks no one except the three men directly involved in the experiments had known about them. And during that time other things occurred which made subsequent publicity seem very inadvisable. Mantelish scowled. "We made up a report to the League the day of the initial discovery," he informed Trigger.

And its productions, compared with the working plastic life of Harvest Moon, appeared to be strictly on a kindergarten level: nuts and bolts and less than that. To Trigger, most of the ones that had been collected looked like assorted bugs and worms, though one at least was the size of a small pig. "No form, no pattern," Mantelish rumbled. "Was the thing practicing?

"That sort of an up-and-sideways lilt when she walks." "Uh-huh," said Mihul. "Old goats." "Eh?" said Doctor Plemponi. "I overheard you discussing Trigger's lilt with Mantelish." Plemponi sat down at his desk. "You shouldn't eavesdrop, Mihul," he said severely. "I'd better get that message promptly to Tate, I suppose. She meant what she said, don't you think?" "Every bit of it," said Mihul.

"Get those little branches in the glasses," she said. Pilch said presently, "Got them." Trigger stood up and faced up to the sequoia. She cupped her hands to her mouth, took a deep breath, and yelled. "Yoo-hoo! Reee-pul-sive!" Down in the garden, Mantelish straightened and looked about angrily. Then he saw Trigger and smiled.

"Next day," said Holati, "Doctor Gess Fayle presented Mantelish with a transmitted message from U-League Headquarters. It contained instructions to have Fayle mount the 112-113 unit immediately in one of the League ships at Harvest Moon and bring it quietly to Maccadon." Mantelish frowned. "The message was faked!" he boomed. "Not only that," said Holati.

"The Feds got in on it then. There'd been that business in Mantelish's lab. There were similarities in the pattern. You knew Mantelish. You'd been on Harvest Moon with him. They thought there could be a connection." "But what connection?" she protested. "I know I don't know anything that could do anybody any good!" He shrugged. "I can't figure it either, Trigger girl.

Mantelish and Trigger nodded again. More thoughtfully. "Nevertheless " Mantelish began suddenly. He checked himself. "Well, you're right," the Commissioner said. "That stuff down there just can't be turned loose, that's all! The thing's still only experimenting. We don't know what it's going to wind up with.

In those specimen crates Mantelish has been lugging into the dome the past couple of days. It looks like the prof's been hypnotized up to his ears for months." The last five hours of her day of recuperative rest Trigger spent asleep, her cabin door locked and the plasmoid purse open on the bunk beside her.

Mantelish had pulled his chair up to the table; he hitched himself forward in it. "We shall now," he announced, "try a little experiment. Pick it up, Trigger." She stared at him. "Pick it up! No, Mantelish. We shall now try some other little experiment." Mantelish furrowed his Jovian brows. Holati gave her a small smile across the table. "Just touch it with the tip of a finger," he suggested.