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And whenever an opportunity arose Filmer would expound to Wilkinson and MacAndrew just exactly how every part of the flying machine was to be controlled and worked, so that in effect they would be just as capable, and even more capable, when at last the time came, of guiding it through the skies.

MacAndrew finds them plentifully in Vigo Bay, and J. Miller in the Adriatic, off Trieste. But what is it like? Conceive a very fat short earth-worm; not ringed, though, like the earth-worm, but smooth and glossy, dappled with darker spots, especially on one side, which may be the upper one.

You got the place in December, when that poor fellow Baker died. Baker was a country-bred, I know, but he always kept his contracts, while you got your polish in Glesca, and your name is Macphairson isn't it?" "I was never in Glasscow in my life, and my name is Macandrew," said the manager, putting with some aggressiveness a paper-weight on a pile of bills.

Why," he said, grinning at his Chief's back, "if I were to stay with him I'd become so normal that I'd slip into marriage and safety as a matter of course, and have to give up everything." "Who's in charge of this lunacy?" asked Macandrew. His voice was a little truculent. "All right, Chief. I shan't remember his name any the better because you're annoyed with me. I haven't seen the skipper yet.

When I reached London I found waiting for me an urgent request that I should go to Mrs. Strickland's as soon after dinner as I could. I found her with Colonel MacAndrew and his wife. Mrs.

"Do I understand you'll do that, and guarantee regular notices, if we leave the advertisement with you?" Mr. Macandrew looked at her expressively and tore, with a gesture of moderated recklessness, the notice of withdrawal in two. "Rest easy," he said, "I'll see about it. I'd go the len'th of attendin' myself to-night, if ye could spare three extra places." "Moderate Macandrew!" "Moderate enough.

I thought it could hardly have failed to strike them that there was something incongruous in him. "But if he wanted to be an artist, why didn't he say so?" asked Mrs. Strickland at last. "I should have thought I was the last person to be unsympathetic to to aspirations of that kind." Mrs. MacAndrew tightened her lips.

He was, in fact, one of General Baden-Powell's Boy Scouts. Scan him closely. Do not dismiss him with a passing glance; for you are looking at the Boy of Destiny, at Clarence MacAndrew Chugwater, who saved England. To-day those features are familiar to all.

Her hair, not yet very gray, was becomingly arranged, and her black gown was modish. I remembered having heard that her sister, Mrs. MacAndrew, outliving her husband but a couple of years, had left money to Mrs. Strickland; and by the look of the house and the trim maid who opened the door I judged that it was a sum adequate to keep the widow in modest comfort.

I've got some frien's stayin' in the same place with me from Behar indigo people. I was thinkin' I'd give them a treat, if three places c'd be spared next to the Chronicle seats." "We do Lady Whippleton to-night and the booking's been heavy. Five is too many, Mr. Macandrew, even if you promise not to write the notice yourself."