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Updated: August 25, 2024

They were so appointed and employed in Saint Paul's Church in this city during the pastorate of that sainted man, John M'Clintock, in 1860, and could the voice of that great leader and lover of the Church reach us to day from the skies it would be in protest against the views presented in this debate by the supporters of the committee's report and its amendment.

'There is more medicine in the bush, and better, than in all the shops in Port of Spain, said a wise medical man to me; and to the Exhibition of 1862 Mr. M'Clintock alone contributed, from British Guiana, one hundred and forty species of barks used as medicine by the Indians.

They struggled along the west coast of King William Land, but failed to reach their destination; disease, and even starvation, gradually lessened their numbers. An old Eskimo woman, who had watched the melancholy procession, afterwards told M'Clintock they fell down and died as they walked. By this time considerable anxiety had been roused by the absence of any news from Franklin's party.

Was that shrunken, stooping figure really his father? Of course they must have M'Clintock at once and get him away to Scotland or abroad. "The two gentlemen are in the red drawing-room, sir!" Douglas and his father were sitting together in the library, after lunch, on the following afternoon, when the butler entered. "Damn them!" said Sir Arthur under his breath.

They were so appointed and employed in Saint Paul's Church in this city during the pastorate of that sainted man, John M'Clintock, in 1860, and could the voice of that great leader and lover of the Church reach us to day from the skies it would be in protest against the views presented in this debate by the supporters of the committee's report and its amendment.

The energies of the rescue parties were quickened by the devotion of Lady Franklin, who refused to abandon hope, and consecrated her every energy and her entire fortune to the search for her lost husband. Her conduct and her ardent appeals awoke a chivalrous spirit at home and abroad; men such as Kane, Bellot, M'Clintock and De Haven volunteered their services in the cause.

James Fitzjames, Captain H.M.S. Erebus. At one corner of the paper are the final words that, taken along with the stories of the Eskimos, explained the last chapter of the tragedy 'and start to-morrow 26th for Back's Fish River. M'Clintock did all that could be done.

Facing this long line of glory, running irregularly on towards that sea where Franklin and M'Clintock led their gay adventurers, the bold ships, was another shore, not so high or superior, but tall and sombre and warm, through whose endless coverts of pine there crept and idled the generous Chinook winds the soothing breath of the friendly Pacific.

He seemed to walk uncertainly, and he stooped a great deal. From the hall outside, he looked back at his son. "I think I shall see M'Clintock next time I'm in town, Duggy. I've had some queer pains across my chest lately." "Indigestion?" said Douglas. His tone was casual. "Perhaps. Oh, they're nothing. But it's best to take things in time."

She was determined to fit out still another expedition, though already over £35,000 had been spent by private means, mostly from her own personal fortune; and in 1857 the steam yacht Fox was despatched under M'Clintock, who had already shown himself the most capable master of sledge work.

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