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Bananas, egg-plants, locust-trees, banyans, terebinths, the gum-styrax, the gum-tragacanth, the assafoetida plant, the arbor vitse, the castor-oil plant, the Judas-tree, and other somewhat rare forms, sprang up side by side with the pomegranate, the oleander, the pistachio-nut, the myrtle, the bay, the laurel, the mulberry, the rhododendron, and the arbutus.

Here was the place where my friend gave legal counsel in exchange for legal money. I caught sight of his broad, humorous face ere the coach had given its final jolt as it came to a standstill. Directly in front of the office before which we stopped were two large locust-trees, and under these trees that bright spring morning quite a little company had gathered.

But on that June morning it looked very pleasant, and the locust-trees in front of it made the air heavy with perfume. There is no flower like the locust for feeding honey to the sense of smell. Half the bees from William Sebastian's hives were buzzing overhead, when Bobaday and aunt Corinne sat down by Zene on the log steps to unload their troubles. All three were in their Sunday clothes.

The dandelions sprinkled the roadsides like stars. The locust-trees tossed up the white spray of their fragrant blossoms with every wave of their green boughs. "They'll soon be heah! They'll soon be heah!" chanted the Little Colonel every day. The morning they came she had been down the avenue a dozen times to look for them before the carriage had even started to meet them.

The town, Blecker thought, had rooted itself in between the hills with as solid a persistence as the prejudices of its builders. Obstinately steep streets, shaded by gnarled locust-trees; houses drawn back from the sidewalks, in surly dread of all new-comers; the very smoke, vaporing through the sky, had defiance in it of the outer barbarous world and its vulgar newness.

I had no objection to speaking with Mother Anastasia, and, giving no further thought to the abandoned vehicle, I walked with her to a spot where a clump of straggling locust-trees threw a scanty shade upon the sidewalk. I could not but feel that my companion had something important to say to me, for she was evidently a good deal agitated.

The Colonel chuckled as they went tumbling about in the grass to find the stick which the child repeatedly tossed away. He hitched his chair along to the other end of the porch as they kept getting farther away from the avenue. It had been many a long year since those old locust-trees had seen a sight like that. Children never played any more under their dignified shadows.

As March goes out, two things more and more I hear the cardinal has begun to mount to the bare tops of the locust-trees and scatter his notes downward, and over the way the workmen whistle and sing. The bird is too shy to sit in any tree on that side of the yard. But his eye and ear are studying them curiously.

Mabel spoke earnestly, for "Mammy's house," a neat frame cottage a story-and-a-half high, embowered in locust-trees, and with a thrifty, although aged garden honeysuckle clambering all over the front, was to her one of the dearest pictures of her early days.

The animistic faculty and its survival in us A boy's animism and its persistence Impossibility of seeing our past exactly as it was Serge Aksakoff's history of his childhood The child's delight in nature purely physical First intimations of animism in the child How it affected me Feeling with regard to flowers A flower and my mother History of a flower Animism with regard to trees Locust-trees by moonlight Animism and nature-worship Animistic emotion not uncommon Cowper and the Yardley oak The religionist's fear of nature Pantheistic Christianity Survival of nature-worship in England The feeling for nature Wordsworth's pantheism and animistic emotion in poetry.