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The mate, acknowledging the introduction, led the way to the cabin, where they remained so long that by the time they came on deck again the schooner was off Limehouse, slipping along well under a light wind. "How do you like the state-room?" inquired the skipper, who was at the wheel. "Pretty fair," replied Miss Cooper. "It's a big name for it though, ain't it? Oh, what a large ship!"

To Max it was so much more than merely "curious," knowing what he did, that he felt sick with horror. Surely this body, found floating near Limehouse Pier, was the one he had touched in the dark! Mr. Wedmore repeated his comment: "Curious, isn't it?" before Max could reply. At last he nodded, and handed back the paper to his father.

Hassard's account of Limehouse Hole will be recognized as characters in the novels of Charles Dickens. By arrangement with, and by permission of, the publishers, Houghton, Mifflin Co. I took a steamboat one day at Westminster Bridge, and after a voyage of 40 minutes or so landed near Limehouse Hole, and followed the river streets both east and west.

"By whom? of whom?" rapped Kerry. "Two constables patrolling the Chinatown area arrested a man for suspicious loitering. He turned out to be a well-known criminal Jim Poland, with a whole list of convictions against him. They're holding him at Limehouse Station, and the theory is that he was operating with " He nodded in the direction of the body.

Blimey it makes me kind of bleeding cry, straight, it does, when I sees her cause I thinks of my old mashtub what's waiting for me down Limehouse way.

You have observed that playful animal, the cat. Call it, and it does not come to you directly, but rubs itself against all the furniture in the room, and reaches you finally and scratches. Ah, ha, scratches! I am of the feline species. People call me a villain bah! I know the family living No. 27 Limehouse Road.

The 13th we put into Dartmouth, where we staid till the 12th December, when we sailed with a west wind, and by the blessing of God we anchored on the 18th December 1591, at Limehouse in the river Thames, where we discharged 589 sacks of pepper, 150 elephants teeth, and 32 barrels of palm oil. Astl.

See that it does not escape again, and if at the end of an hour, as arranged, you do not hear from me, take it back with you to the River Police Station." "Right you are, sir," said the man, remounting his seat. "It's the first time I ever saw a peacock in Limehouse!"

But they paid for it afterwards, as I shall observe by-and-by. This, I say, made the people of Redriff and Wapping, Ratcliff and Limehouse, so secure, and flatter themselves so much with the plague's going off without reaching them, that they took no care either to fly into the country or shut themselves up.

Limehouse Road was deserted save by dust and a few rattling butchers' carts, and the bell of the muffin and crumpet man. A commodious mansion, which stood on the right of the road as you enter Pultneyville, surrounded by stately poplars and a high fence surmounted by a chevaux de frise of broken glass, looked to the passing and footsore pedestrian like the genius of seclusion and solitude.