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Its varying colours its fanciful forms now shooting out in a hundred different directions, like lightning-flashes, now drawing itself up, as it were, and soaring aloft, now splitting into a million tongues of flame, these aspects so riveted the attention of Leonard, that he almost forgot in the sight the dreadful devastation going forward.

Modern society, in its largest vein, is essentially intellectual, infidelistic secretly admires, and depends most on, pure compulsion or science, its rule and sovereignty is, in short, in "cultivated" quarters, deeply Napoleonic. "Friendship," said Bonaparte, in one of his lightning-flashes of candid garrulity, "Friendship is but a name. I love no one not even my brothers; Joseph perhaps a little.

The night was suddenly lighted by lightning-flashes that followed one another so closely they seemed to make one long, lasting flare. The cow-boys had all passed, and Martha saw that the herd was scarcely two hundred yards away. She stepped directly in front of Scylla's prostrate form and raised the skirts. "Scream, Scylla, scream!" she cried.

In a voice as low as her own he asked: "What does it mean? I never can get a word with you. He's always there. He's very devoted to you, I know; but, I supposed that well, that his chance was over." His hesitation, the appeal of his glance, were lightning-flashes of assurance for Imogen, opening her path for her. "It is over; it is over; but it's false that he is devoted to me," she whispered.

But the blood of Louis XIV., who had so profoundly dissimulated his feelings, boiled in his veins; and he was perfectly willing to order M. Fouquet to be put an end to with the same readiness, indeed, as his predecessor had caused the assassination of le Marechal d'Ancre; and so he disguised the terrible resolution he had formed beneath one of those royal smiles which, like lightning-flashes, indicated coups d'etat.

Lightning-flashes, transitory, Cross the gulfs where darkness sleeps. This the gate, at last, of gladness, To the outward striving me: In a rain of light and sadness, Out its loves and longings flee! With a presence I am smitten Dumb, with a foreknown surprise; Presence greater yet than written Even in the glorious eyes.

He found her a good deal excited; for, although she was incapable of any consecutive train of thought and, when her mind was required to exert itself, her ideas only came like lightning-flashes through her brain, she had observed that something unusual was going on.

For a long time the storm had been gathering in her brain, a storm which she had held back, smothered under her unhappiness, so that only Peter had seen the lightning-flashes of it.

On the horizon lightning-flashes were flung in white streams from the storm-clouds into the sea, lighting up the high, dark waves over the far-away expanse. And to right and to left, and, no doubt, over the house too, the lightning flashed. "The storm!" whispered Laevsky; he had a longing to pray to some one or to something, if only to the lightning or the storm-clouds. "Dear storm!"

As Professor Max Mueller states in his lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy: "One feels certain that behind all these lightning-flashes of religious and philosophic thought there is a distant past, a dark background of which we shall never know the beginning."