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You don't like people to differ with you, either. Is your cup out, doctor?" "Thank you," said the doctor, handing it up to her. "And you mean Mr. Gerrish doesn't like Mr. Peck's doctrine?" he asked of Putney. "Oh, I don't know that he objects to his doctrine; he can't very well; it's 'between the leds of the Bible, as the Hard-shell Baptist said.

"Did you ever notice Ben Butler's eyes, Bud?" asked the old man, knowingly. "Blind," said Bud sadly, shaking his head "too bad too bad great great hoss!" "Yes, but the leds, Bud that hoss, Ben Butler there, holds a world's record he's the only cock-eyed hoss in the world." "You don't say so that critter! cock-eyed?" Bud laughed and slapped his leg gleefully. "Didn't I always tell you so?

It was to this store one went to buy coffee, sugar, soda, tobacco and bacon, calico, domestic, linsey, jeans, leather and gingham, officers' clothing, tin buckets, wooden tubs, coffee pots, iron "skillets-and leds," iron ovens, crowbars, shovels, plows, and harness. To this store the settlers came to buy molasses, quinine, oil and turpentine, vermillion and indigo blue.

By what miracle, even as anatomical specimens, they had been preserved during their long journey was a mystery to the camp. In some respects they had superior memories and reminiscences. The old man Abner Trix had shouldered a musket in the war of 1812; his wife, Abigail, had seen Lady Washington. She could sing hymns; he knew every text between "the leds" of a Bible.

I think it means that the price was suggested from above, "led" being a theological term identical with our commercial phrase "personally conducted." She "shrank from asking it, but was finally led, by a strange providence, to accept this fee." "Providence" is another theological term. Two leds and a providence, taken together, make a pretty strong argument for inspiration.

The quick eye of the grand duke at once espied Prince Adalbert running to field a ball. "Ach, he is zlimmer!" he said in a tone of satisfaction. "Zlimmer? He is zlimmer, your Highness. Id iz zat leedle she-devil-child. She nevare nod nevare leds 'im be steel. All ze day she makes 'im roosh and roosh. He haf nevare no breath in hees loongs nod nevare!" "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke calmly.

But I do say, with my eyes open and in my right senses, and feelin' solemn, like a man a-makin' his last will and testament, that they a'n't no sech another woman to be found outside the leds of the Bible betwixt the Bay of Fundy and the Rio Grande. I've 'sought round this burdened airth, as the hymn says, and they a'n't but jest one.

Brooks, setting a chair straight; "and by and by the leds began to draw together, and she couldn't keep 'em open; and there was such a pain in her eyes, too, that I had to be up nights, bathing 'em in all kinds of messes." "Don't her nose jiggle?" whispered Fly to Horace. "Of course you took her to a good physician?" "Well, yes; we thought he was good.

This has been our home ever sence, an' not once, sence little Jack has been with me, have I done a wrong deed. Often an' often we've slipt up to hear you preach what you've said went home to me." "Jack," said the old man suddenly aroused "was that you was it you been puttin' them twenty dollar gol' pieces in the church Bible between the leds, ever' month for the las' two years?