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I went personally to Okar and was told by Silverthorn that the railroad would accept no material consigned to the Double A ranch." "Pretty raw," was Sanderson's only comment. "Raw? It's rotten!" declared Williams. "There's plenty of the kind of material we want in Lazette. To get it here would mean a fifty-mile haul. I can get teams and wagons in Lazette," he added, an eager note in his voice.

He got only one conclusion out of them that for some mysterious reason he had surrendered to Betty and was going to work to repair the ranchhouse. On the morning following his visit to Lazette he sat on a piece of heavy timber which he and Dade had lifted a few minutes before to some saw-horses preparatory to framing.

"You are entitled to the water, of course; and I admire your grit. But those men are powerful. I have to depend on them a great deal. So you can see that I couldn't do anything without first consulting them." Sanderson left Lazette in disgust.

"If you absolutely refuse to eat, I presume there is no help for it, though even if you had dinner in Lazette you must be hungry now, for a ride of twenty miles is a strict guarantee of appetite. Please sit down. There is something I want to give you, something your father left for you. He told me to have you read it as soon as you came."

If you make Dunlavey bow to the law you may consider your work finished." "I think Dunlavey will change his views of things shortly," remarked Allen, quietly, but significantly. He smiled at Hollis. "I have read your paper regularly," he said. "You've got the editor of our paper hopping mad with your claims about Dry Bottom being superior to Lazette.

Could Calumet have She pressed her hands tightly over her breast at this thought. She did not want to think that! But he had a violent temper, and there were those men in Lazette, Denver and the other man, whom he had She shuddered. That must be the explanation for his strange actions. But still she had heard no shot, and there was a chance that the diagram

He had not been surprised when Duncan had mentioned Dakota as being a probable tool, for he had thought over the occurrence of the shooting in Lazette many times, and had been much impressed with Dakota's coolness and his satanic cleverness with a six-shooter, and it seemed that it would be a simple matter to arrange with him for the removal of Doubler.

She might ride to the Double R ranchhouse, and she thought of going there, but it was at least ten miles off the Lazette trail, and even though at the Double R she might get a cowboy to make the ride to Lazette, she would be losing much valuable time.

"He isn't dead, then," he said rapidly, sharply, the words coming with short, metallic snaps. "You were going to Lazette for a doctor. I'm glad I happened along glad I saw you. I'll be able to make better time than you." "Where are you going?" she demanded, scarcely having heard his words, though aware that he was preparing to leave.

She was silent; she did not offer to defend Dakota, for in her thoughts still lingered a recollection of the scene of the shooting in Lazette. And when she considered her father's distant manner toward her and Ben Doubler's grave prediction of trouble, it seemed that perhaps Duncan was right.