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Updated: August 9, 2024

Bending upon Lanyard the steel-hard regard of small, steel-blue eyes, he drummed the arms of his chair with thick and stubby fingers. To one side, standing, was the third officer, a Mr. Sherry, a youngish man with a pleasant cast of countenance which temporarily wore a look, rarely British, of ingrained sense of duty at odds with much embarrassment. Lastly Mr.

And God in Heaven only knows how you managed to get so far off the course!" Breathing to the night air thanks which would have driven Captain Monk mad could he have heard them, Lanyard let go the bronze blade and struck out for the melancholy bell. Ten minutes later the fingers of one hand he was swimming on his side at the bottom of its stroke touched pebbles.

'We are going first of all to the Pilkingtons', in Warwickshire, said Annabel, talking with Mrs. Ormonde at the latter's hotel in the last week of July. 'Mr. Lanyard the poet, you know will be there; I am curious to see him. Father remembers him a 'scrubby starveling' to use his phrase a reviewer of novels for some literary paper. He has just married Lady Emily Quell you heard of it?

He too, I saw, was taking stock of me, and marking from my Frame and my Mien that, although young, I was likely to prove an Ugly Customer, he outs with a pistol from under his jerkin, and holds it to my head with one hand, while with the other he blows a smart call upon a silver whistle suspended by a lanyard round his neck.

Heavy gates of wrought bronze guarded the front doors. The single side or service-door was similarly protected if more simply. And stout grilles of bronze barred every window on the level of the street. Now none of these could have withstood the attack of a man of ingenuity with a little time at his disposal. But Lanyard could count on only the few remaining minutes of true night.

Even before the clash of broken glass registered on his consciousness, he threw in the high-speed and shot away like a frightened greyhound. So sudden was this move that it caught De Morbihan himself unprepared. In an instant Lanyard had ten yards' lead.

And this was not for lack of interest in the news it published to the citizens of Lyons. For Lanyard had a copy of the same sheet, and knew that Eve had loyally kept her promise; a brief despatch from Millau told of the simultaneous disappearance of one André Duchemin and the jewels of Madame de Montalais, and added that the police were already active in the case.

"I was not," Lanyard replied with disarming good humour. "I'm afraid that is something much too important and confidential to reveal even to Colonel Stanistreet's secretary, if you don't mind my saying so." Mr. Blensop did mind, and betrayed vexation with an impatient little gesture which caused the card to fly from his fingers and fall face uppermost on the table.

Then, closing the door, he shot its bolts, gave the dial a brisk twirl, located a lever in the side of the frame and thrust it into its socket. With the same swish and thud which had puzzled Lanyard at first hearing, the portrait slipped back into place.

And in his turn, Lanyard reviewed those well-remembered ways in vast weariness of spirit disgusted with himself in consciousness that the girl had somehow divined his distrust.... "The Lone Wolf, eh?" he mused bitterly. "Rather, the Cornered Rat if people only knew! Better still, the Errant no! the Arrant Ass!"

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