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This was the first occasion upon which Salome sat down at the nuns' table; but it was not the last, for from this day she regularly appeared there, and, though she was given to frequent and violent fits of weeping, her health and spirits steadily improved under the regimen of the abbess. On Monday morning the lady-superior took Salome through all the asylums on the east side of the convent.

Take charge of it, my daughter, until we can deliver it to the sister-treasurer," directed the lady-superior, as she replaced the ring in its wrapper and returned both to Salome. "But, mother, I wish myself to become the purchaser of this ring. I have a thousand pounds with me. I will give them for the ring." "My daughter!" exclaimed the abbess in surprise.

To note that these very amusing studies of certain aspects of life in a modern capital originally appeared in that extraordinary journal, La Vie Parisienne now sadly degenerate is enough to indicate that they are not precisely what the good lady-superior expected to receive.

There is even a legend although how solid a foundation it may have in fact I do not dare to discuss there is a legend that the lady-superior of a certain convent near Paris was so fascinated by The Abbé Constantin, and so thoroughly convinced of the piety of its author, that she ordered all his other works, receiving in due season the lively volumes wherein are recorded the sayings and doings of Monsieur and Madame Cardinal, and of the two lovely daughters of Monsieur and Madame Cardinal.

At the stroke of twelve the Sisters entered two by two, followed by the lady-superior with a prayerbook in her hand. She clapped the leaves of this together in signal for them to kneel, to rise, to kneel again and rise, while they repeated in rather harsh voices their prayers, and then clattered out of the chapel as they had clattered in, with resounding shoes.

The fact that she had never yet taken her preliminary vows or given her consent to take them, counted for nothing in the situation; though any experienced lady-superior could have told the archbishop that no maiden could be wisely made an abbess until she had given some signs of having a vocation for a religious life. From that moment the youthful pair met no more for weeks.

Then Salome saw the lady-superior was even paler and graver than usual; and anxious as the young lady felt to hear the abbess' story, she thought she would give her more time to recover, and even assist her in doing so, by diverting her thoughts to the new incident of the ring, which she produced and laid upon the mother's lap, saying: "That was found by me in the bosom of little Marie Perdue's dress.

Salome, in obedience to the abbess' orders, went back to the lady-superior's private parlor to await, with palpitating heart the issue of the lady's interview with the duke. Sister Dominica deferentially led the lady abbess to the wicket room, opened the door, and said: "The lady-superior of the convent to see Monseigneur, the Duke," then closed the door after the abbess, and retired.

And now, on these terms, will you let me have writing materials?" "Certainly, my child. I will send them to you; or rather I will bring them," answered the meek lady-superior, as she arose and left the room. In a very few minutes she returned with the required articles. Salome wrote her letter, and then submitted it to the perusal of the abbess, who accorded it her full approval.

"Your Eminence will doubtless approve what I have done," said Father d'Aigrigny to the cardinal, whilst the latter was gravely despatching the oyster-patties, "in not summoning for to-day the Bishop of Mogador, the Archbishop of Nanterre, and our holy Mother Perpetue, the lady-superior of St.