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Updated: August 16, 2024

La Fayette was caressed, adored and substantially rewarded. I saw him, and talked to him of you, whom he loves and admires malgré le temps et l'absence. Fanny Wright was with or near him all the time he was in America. She is to write something of which he is to be the hero.... My son has grown up handsome a classical profile and un esprit juste."

L'absence est le plus grand des maux, Non pas pour vous, cruelle ! Who has not found a charm in watching the clouds of heaven as they float along?

And he afterwards quotes from Weitbrecht, who had "observé dans un cas l'absence simultanée aux deux mains et aux deux pieds, de quelques doigts, de quelques metacarpiens et metatarsiens, enfin de quelques os du carpe et du tarse." P.t. Pronator teres. F.s. Flexor sublimis digitorum. F.p. Flexor profundus digitorum. F.l.p.

"You know too well," he says to her somewhere, with a happy choice of words belonging to the writer, whose diction was here and there as felicitous as it was generally intolerable "Vous savez trop bien que tout ce qui n'est pas vous n'est que surface, sottise et vains palliatifs de l'absence."

L'absence est le plus grand des maux, Non pas pour vous, cruelle! Who has not found a charm in watching the clouds of heaven as they float along?

Ce que j'ai aime dans cette maison, comme dans toutes les personnes que j'y ai trouvees, a ete l'absence complete de toute affectation. Tout est homogene et je n'ai encore jamais vu une maison de campagne ayant cet aspect-la. Mon respect pour Macmillan s'est considerablement augmentee de ce qu'on ne rencontre chez lui aucune splendeur vulgaire: rien ne parle d'argent chez lui.

Lessing has, with the most irresistible and victorious wit, pointed out the ludicrous nature of the very plans of Rodogune, Semiramis, Merope, and Zaire. The lines with which Theseus in the Oedipus of Corneille opens his part, are deserving of one of the first places: Quelque ravage affreux qu'etale ici la peste L'absence aux vrais amans est encore plus funeste.

Some of the master's best work was written specially for Rudolph and when the latter left Vienna in 1809, Beethoven wrote the sonata, Les Adieux L'absence, et le Retour, to commemorate the occasion. He inscribed it as follows: "Der Abschied am vierten Mai gewidmet und aus dem Herzen geschrieben."

L'absence est le plus grand des maux, Non pas pour vous, cruelle! Who has not found a charm in watching the clouds of heaven as they float along?

The countess mother, however, was not in her boudoir; only a screaming cockatoo, and a capuchin monkey that grimaced a welcome. Through the folding-doors which opened into an adjoining room came the melancholy tones of a harmonium; and M. Cambray recognized a favorite air Beethoven's symphony, "Les adieux, l'absence, et le retour." He paused a moment to listen to it.

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