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Only two volumes have as yet appeared dealing with the first 120 numbers of the Grimm collection in over a thousand pages crammed with references and filled with details as to variants. The book has obviously been planned and worked out by Dr. Bolte, who had previously edited the collected works of his chief predecessor, R. Koehler. Dr.

The call was being answered. The operator wrote it off. "What ship is that? Admiral von Spee orders all to close in," and the exact position of the German flagship was given. "'Dresden!" flashed back Lord Hastings. "Signed, Koehler." "I happen to know Captain Koehler commands the Dresden," Lord Hastings confided to the boys. He sent another message to the German admiral: "Where are you headed?"

Koehler has references to the other European versions in Bladé, p. 155. Crane, Italian Popular Tales, No. xcvi, has rendered one of Pitre's versions. This rather artificial tale has never-the-less spread through all Europe.

Outside the port the Dresden attempted to flee; but, after an hour's chase, Captain Koehler realized the futility of this, and, at last brought to bay, turned to fight. In the action that followed, an action that lasted for more than two hours, the Dresden put up a terrific battle. But there could be but one end.

Koehler, working in the Canary Islands, has, according to information which I have received from him by letter, made certain experiments with orang utans and chimpanzees similar to those of Hobhouse and Haggerty. His results I am unable to report as I have scanty information concerning them. They are, presumably, as yet unpublished.

Even the ticking of the wireless instrument now grew nervous, and it was plain that the sender was laboring under stress. "Received message signed 'Dresden, Koehler, fifteen minutes ago," came from the flagship. "Did you send it?" "No," was the reply flashed back. "Picked you up now for the first time." "Enemy must have picked up call and answered then," flashed the flagship.

"Dresden, Koehler!" came the response to one of the flagship's calls. "What is the matter?" came the query. "Why did you cease communicating?" "Don't understand," was the reply. "Have not communicated with you before." "Didn't you acknowledge my call fifteen minutes ago?" "No!"

Ashhurst remarks that Luckie, Alexander, Koehler, Lowman, and Armstrong have successfully removed both legs and one arm simultaneously for frost-bite, all the patients making excellent recoveries in spite of their mutilations; he adds that he himself has successfully resorted to synchronous amputation of the right hip-joint and left leg for a railroad injury occurring in a lad of fifteen, and has twice synchronously amputated three limbs from the same patient, one case recovering.

The analogy is so close as almost to force the assumption of derivation. Koehler accordingly in his Aufsaetze, 1894, pp. 24-35, regards the tale as a development of the Indian story influenced by the romance of Amis. I have followed Bolte's formula s. v. Hansel and Gretel, 15, i., 115, though with some misgivings.

With fair promises to the men, and threats of instant death if I find any one erring, a little spur has been given." Nelson said of him with truth, upon this occasion, that he was a first-rate general. "I find, sir," said he afterwards in a letter to the Duke of Clarence, "that General Koehler does not approve of such irregular proceedings as naval officers attacking and defending fortifications.