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"The bigth of a walnut," "enough to lie on a pen knifes point," "the weight of a shilling," "enough to cover a French crown," "as bigg as a haslenut," "as great as a charger," "the bigth of a Turkeys Egg," "a pretty draught," "a pretty bunch of herbs," "take a little handful," "take a pretty quantity as often as you please" such are the lax directions that accompany these old prescriptions.

The guides pitched the two tents Joe had provided one for his party facing each other on a patch of clearing, with a space of about fifteen feet between them, in the centre of which blazed a roaring camp-fire. Now all the axes and knifes among the band were in demand for cutting and sharpening stakes and ridge-poles on which to stretch their canvas.

One evening while they were coasting along this great lake, some Indians were discovered on the shore, and the travellers landed to make inquiries of them as to the nature of the country beyond. There were three lodges belonging to the Red-knife Indians, who were so named because their knifes were made of the copper found in that region.

If you are "roughing it," such luxuries as plates and knifes and forks are surely out of the question; and you must content yourself with a pair of chop sticks "a la Chinee," or make your jackknife do double purpose, using a flat chip or stone as a plate.

So what do we get we get knifes in the faces, saps on the head a concussion, you tell me! And all the money the money we had to pay to get stocks to sell to pay off from the profits we don't make all of it, he wants! Hospitals! You think they give away at the hospitals free?" She fell to her knees, crying over the injured man.

And lastly, genuine sons of the capital, rabble of Madrid, ye twenty thousand manolos, whose terrible knifes, on the second morning of May, worked such grim havoc amongst the legions of Murat! And the higher orders the ladies and gentlemen, the cavaliers and senoras; shall I pass them by in silence?

Their smiths particularly work neatly in gold and silver, and make knifes, hatchets, reaping hooks, spades and shares to cut iron, &c. &c. Their potters make neat tobacco pipes, and pots to boil their food.

Shoot him all over if you like. One or two bullets don't hurt a beast. It takes a lead-mine to kill some of 'em." "Do the blacks shoot?" asked Charlie. "No, I don't never trust no blacks with firearms. One boy knifes well, though. Races alongside and knifes 'em." This seemed a fairly difficult performance; while the Englishman was wondering how it would be carried out, they made a start.

"It will be jolly fun to explore it," decided Ned. "I wish it wasn't so near night." "We can't do much now," decided Tom. "It will be too dark, and I don't altogether fancy going in those old ruins except by daylight." "Do you think any of those old Aztec priests, with their knifes of glass, will sacrifice you on a stone altar?" asked Ned, with a laugh.

"It isn't a very hard rock, in fact it's a sort of soft marble, or white sand stone, and we may be able to cut out a way under the slab door with our knifes." Fortunately they had knives with big, strong blades, and as Tom had said, the stone was comparatively soft. But, after several hours' work they only had a small depression under the stone door.