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The new Janissary Aga was shot dead within his own gates. Kabakulak retired within a mosque. Halil Pelivan, who had been appointed Kulkiaja, hid himself in a drain pipe for three whole days, and never emerged therefrom so long as the uproar lasted. Three days later all was quiet again.

It was about eleven in the morning when the janissary called for me, I followed him, and this time I found Bonneval dressed in the Turkish style. His guests soon arrived, and we sat down to dinner, eight of us, all well disposed to be cheerful and happy. The dinner was entirely French, in cooking and service; his steward and his cook were both worthy French renegades.

About two hours later the door was again opened, and a man in the uniform of a janissary entered. Fixing a keen glance on the young captive, he bade him in broken English rise and follow. By this time the lesson of submission had been sufficiently impressed on our hero to induce him to accord prompt obedience.

This was fortunate, for the companion janissary was close to him when he wheeled round. The blazing look of the seaman, however, induced so much caution in the Turk that, instead of using his sword, he drew a long pistol from his girdle and levelled it.

Amurath should have ransomed her, or he might have given her to one of his officers, or any young fellow that had particularly distinguished himself." And so, twirling his mustachios, and flinging down his piastre, the young Janissary strutted out of the coffee-house. "When we were young," said the old Turk with the white beard to his companion, shaking his head, "when we were young "

"Lucien!" exclaimed Bacri in surprise, as he grasped the hand of the young janissary, "thou hast managed this business well, considering that thou art no Turk. How didst thou come to think of it?" "I should never have thought of it, had not my worthy father suggested the idea," replied Lucien, with a smile, as he removed the rope from the neck of his sire.

At this all the Janissaries arose, and one of them stepping forward said: "Halil is right. We agree with all that he has said." The Grand Vizier did not know whether he was standing on his head or his heels. Kaplan Giraj wrathfully thrust his sword back again into its scabbard. All the Janissary officers evidently were on Halil Patrona's side.

When we wished to take a turn in the town of Algiers, we generally took care to be escorted by the janissary attached to the consular house; it was the only means of escaping insults, affronts, and even acts of violence. I have just said it was the only means.

Pelivan had anticipated that the Kiaja would foam with rage at the news, and would have the offending Janissary regiment decimated at the very least; but the Kiaja, instead of being angry, seemed very much afraid. He saw in this presumptuous message a declaration of rebellion, and hurried off to the Grand Vizier as fast as his legs could carry him, taking the heavy twelve-pounder along with him.

You can pick up ten more like him in the street any time you like." The Turk, perceiving that it would be difficult to convince a drunken man by mere words, drew nearer to him, and grasped the hand that held the yataghan. "What do you want?" cried the Janissary, fairly infuriated at this act of temerity. "Come! Go thy way!" "Do you know whose hand thou art grasping? My name is Halil."