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"And it was a first-class business with armed escorts, caravans, wild tribes a matter of great danger and subtle politics railways, finance the whole hang of the international situation and internal conditions a big scoop everything that usually is butter and honey to Jaff Chayne an ideal job for him in every way. But no. He was fed up with scalliwagging all over the place.

At last, one Friday evening, while I was engaged in my forlorn and unprofitable game, the butler entered the drawing-room with unperturbed announcement: "Mr. Chayne on the telephone, sir." I sent the card table flying amid the wreckage of my lay-out and rushed to the telephone. "Hullo! That you, Jaff?" "Yes, old man. Very much me. A devil of a lot of me. How are you?"

"I forbid you to have anything to do with the fellow." "You, Jaff Chayne, told me to mind my own business. Just you mind yours." "It is my business," he shouted, "to see that you don't disgrace yourself with a beast of a fellow like that." "What did you say? Disgrace myself?" She drew herself up magnificently. "Do you think I would disgrace myself with any man living? You insult me."

In Jerusalem was wont to be a patriark, and erchebysshoppes and bisshoppes abouten in the contree. Abouten Jerusalem ben theise cytees: Ebron, at 7 myle; Jerico, at 6 myle; Bersabee, at 8 myle; Ascalon, at 17 myle; Jaff, at 16 myle; Ramatha, at 3 myle; and Betheleem, at 2 myle.

He laughed and lit another cigarette. "But Wittekind and the editor of Fowler's in America I've sold him the serial rights are shrieking out for a synopsis. I'm damned if I'm going to give 'em a synopsis. They get on my nerves. And we're intimate enough friends, you and I, for me to confess it so do our dearest Barbara and old Jaff, and you yourself, when you want to know how I'm getting on.

He turned to follow her, but Barbara interposed her small body on the threshold. "Don't be a silly fool, Jaff. You've pandered quite enough to her morbid vanity. It's your book, isn't it? You have given it birth. You know better than anybody what is vital to it. Just you send those proofs straight back to the publisher.

"Better turn in, too, if you want to see us off." "My dear Jaff," said I, "you have always bewildered me, and when I contemplate this new caprice I am beyond the phenomenon of bewilderment. But in one respect my mind retains its serene equipoise. Nothing short of an Act of God shall drag me from my bed at half-past four in the morning." "I wanted to give you a few last instructions."