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I happened to be there when he talked with father and enlisted him." Victor laughed. "It was your father who put it through. I might have known!" "At first I tried to interpose. Then I stopped." She stood before him with eyes down. "It came to me that for my own sake it would be better that you should lose this fall. It seemed to me that if you won you would be farther out of my reach."

Later she might learn, as many women do, to interpose a veil between her soul and the world. The lamp would shine with a tempered beam, its glow moderated to a mere even, more tranquil light, and none would recognize the quality of its burning.

The authorities at Washington were doing everything in their power to allay the excitement among the people, and at the same time were trying to have the Army of the East put in motion so as to pass down to Pottstown and interpose in front of the enemy; he evidently intending to move by way of Brown's Ferry, throwing part of his force on the Brown's Ferry road and a portion over into the Sheepstown road, making a junction at or near Shapleyville.

Foreign powers, occupied in wars among themselves, had no leisure or inclination to interpose in the domestic dissensions of this island. The young king, poor and neglected, living sometimes in Holland, sometimes in France, sometimes in Jersey, comforted himself amidst his present distresses with the hopes of better fortune.

Couldn't you see for yourself that it was better for your father to be under restraint, as well as safer for other people?" Mrs. Wedmore tried to interpose and to change the conversation to another subject, but Dudley said: "I would rather explain now, once and for all. I shall be going away to-morrow, and there are several things which I should like to make clear first." He paused, and Mrs.

"I am the ogre," was Irene's instant response. This answer amazed Mr. Singleton, but he kept looking at her and smiling. "I am sure, my dear, that is not your name. You look more like an angel than an ogre." "But I am the ogre the ogre of the whole place. I am Irene Ashleigh." The clergyman's astonishment was seen now on his face. Rosamund hastened to interpose.

He let out the words slowly, as if holding rein on his passion. "Twice he's said so, and twice I've called him a liar." He drew back for an instant, and then lost control of himself. "If that's not enough ." He leapt forward, and almost before Captain Murray could interpose had hurled himself upon Urquhart.

"Now, the abbe, who was listening behind the door, seeing our embarrassment, and thinking we had won the game, thought the time had come to interpose, and showed himself.

Reasoning that Longstreet could interpose effectually only by getting to the White House ahead of me, I pushed one column under Custer across the South Anna, by way of Ground Squirrel bridge, to Ashland, where it united with Merritt, who had meanwhile marched through Hanover Junction.

Every possible kindness compatible with the necessity of removal must therefore be shown by the troops; and if in the ranks a despicable individual should be found capable of inflicting a wanton injury or insult on any Cherokee man, woman, or child, it is hereby made the special duty of the nearest good officer or man instantly to interpose, and to seize and consign the guilty wretch to the severest penalty of the laws.