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Updated: July 31, 2024

What a far-extending influence does each of these names represent! The writing of books is perhaps the likeliest of all avenues by which to carry religious influence to the most select minds. See especially ch. lxi. 1-3. See Ewald's Introduction to The Prophets. "Bonorum ingeniorum insignis est indoles, in verbis verum amare, non verba.

"Oh! my nether garments," thought I. "Quantus sudor incrit Bedoso, to restore you to your pristine purity." "But, whence come you?" said my host, who cherished rather a formal and antiquated method of speech. "From the Pythian games," said I. "The campus hight Newmarket. Do I see right, or is not yon insignis juvenis marvellously like you?

The trauaile of Robert Turneham. Robertus Turneham Franciscanus, Theologiae professor insignis, Lynnae celebri Irenorum ad ripas Isidis emporio, collegio suorum fratrum magnifice praefuit. Edwardus Princeps, cognomento Longus, Henrici tertij filius, bellicam expeditionem contra Saracenos Assyriam incolentes, anno Dom. 1268. parabat.

How often, and in what various ways, had they seen life stricken down, in their streets and houses! La bella Simonetta dies in early youth, and is borne to the grave with uncovered face. The young Cardinal Jacopo di Portogallo dies on a visit to Florence insignis forma fui et mirabili modestia his epitaph dares to say.

Quis procul ille autem, ramis insignis olivae Sacra ferens? Nosco crines incanaque menta Regis Romani. But who is he, conspicuous from afar, With olive boughs, that doth his offerings bear? By the white hair and beard I know him plain, The Roman king. Shortly thereafter was he adopted by Trajan, and succeeded to him in the empire.

Over the corpse are these words, "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith;" and underneath is Featley's Latin Epitaph, telling that he was "Impugnator Papismi, Propugnator Reformationis," and "Theologus Insignis, Disputator Strenuus, Conscionator Egregius."

Post quam plures exhibitos, pro Christiana Repub. labores, vir eruditione insignis, et tum Graece, tum Latine peritus, vt Tertullianus alter, quorundam Clericorum lacessitus iniurijs, grauatim tulit, ac tandem a fide defecit. Peragratis igitur deinceps Gallijs, in Aegyptum, et Syriam aliasque orientis Regiones demum peruenit.

It is also common at Almorah, where the larva feeds almost exclusively upon the 'Kilmorah' bush or Berberis asiatica; while at Mussoorie it will not touch that plant, but feeds exclusively upon the large milky leaves of Falconeria insignis. The worm is, perhaps, more easily reared than any other of the wild bombycidae."

They described Fontenelle, adolescens omnibus numeris absolutus et inter discipulos princeps, "a youth accomplished in every respect, and the model for his companions;" but when they describe the elder Crébillon, puer ingeniosus sed insignis nebulo, "a shrewd boy, but a great rascal," they might not have erred so much as they appear to have done; for an impetuous boyhood showed the decision of a character which might not have merely and misanthropically settled in imaginary scenes of horror, and the invention of characters of unparalleled atrocity.

Greek rhetoricians, in spite of Cato's opposition, had been steadily making way, and increasing the number of their pupils; but it was not until about 93 B.C. that PLOTIUS GALLUS taught the principles of Rhetoric in Latin. Quintilian says, "Latinos dicendi praeceptores extremis L. Crassi temporibus coepisse Cicero auctor est: quorum insignis maxime Plotius fuit."

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