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"As a weasel hath a rabbit by the throat, so is the Inglesi in thy hands." Nahoum shook his head. "And if I went to Kaid, and said, 'This is the work of the Inglesi, would he believe? Kaid would hang me for the lie would it be truth to him? What proof have I, save the testimony of mine own eyes? Egypt would laugh at that.

"My first lessons in necromancy were received on the mole of Napoli, amid burly Inglesi, straight-nosed Greeks, swarthy Sicilians, and Maltese with spirits as fine as the gold of their own chains. This was the school in which I learned to know my art, and an apt scholar I proved in all that touches the philosophy and humanity of my craft. Signore, thy palm?"

A very violent eruption, which lasted more than nine months, commenced on the 21st of August, 1852. It was first witnessed by a party of English tourists, who were ascending the mountain from Nicolosi in order to see the sunrise from the summit. As they approached the Casa Inglesi the crater commenced to give forth ashes and flames of fire.

If Sowerby had been trapped and was already dead, the knowledge would creep through the bazaars like a soft wind of the night, and all the Arab world would rejoice that a cursed Inglesi, making the unpardonable breach of their code, had been given to the crocodiles, been smothered, or stabbed, or tortured to death with fire. And, if it were so, what could be done?

"Thy witness and his shall send Achmet to a hell of scorpions, and I shall slay the bridge- opener with my own hand hath not the Effendina secretly said so to me, knowing that my Pasha, the Inglesi, upon whom be peace for ever and forever, would forgive him. Ah, thou blossom of the tree of trees " She rose hastily, and when he would have kissed her hand she drew back to the wall.

This outward display of Orientalism could only be a reflex of the mind. It was the outer symbol of Kaid's return to the spirit of the old days, before the influence of the Inglesi came upon him. Every corrupt and intriguing mind had a palpitation of excitement. In Nahoum the sight of Kaid produced mixed feelings.

"Thy witness and his shall send Achmet to a hell of scorpions, and I shall slay the bridge-opener with my own hand hath not the Effendina secretly said so to me, knowing that my Pasha, the Inglesi, upon whom be peace for ever and forever, would forgive him. Ah, thou blossom of the tree of trees " She rose hastily, and when he would have kissed her hand she drew back to the wall.

But the hour of deliverance draweth nigh. Be ready! To-night! So has the whisper gone." Harrik's eyes burned. "God is great," he said. "The time has come. The Christians spoil us. From France, from England, from Austria it is enough. Kaid has handed us over to the Greek usurers, the Inglesi and the Frank are everywhere.

The excited guests were now knocking at the doors of Cairene notables, bent upon gossip of the night's events, or were scouring the bazaars for ears into which to pour the tale of how David was exalted and Nahoum was brought low; how, before them all, Kaid had commanded Nahoum to appear at the Palace in the morning at eleven, and the Inglesi, as they had named David, at ten.

"If we are heard, we shall have the whole street in arms against us, and I fancy these Inglesi, with their boys and the blacks, are quite sufficient for the three of us." "Bah!" exclaimed Toro. "Seriously, though, let us consider how to get into this place," said Hunston. "There's the door facing us." "But have you the key?"