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But Petellin's arguments were as ineffective as Emerson's, and after an hour's futile haggling the natives were about to leave when Emerson said: "Ask them what they'll take to sell me a bidarka." "One hundred dollars," Petellin told him, after an instant's parley. Emerson turned to George. "Will you tackle it alone with me?" The fisherman hesitated. "Two of us couldn't make it.

The muse of art and even of music will have some voice in the great synthesis which is to gather up the scattered, hence ineffective, elements of secondary motor training, in forms which shall represent all the needs of adolescents in the order and proportion that nature and growth stages indicate, drawing, with this end supreme, upon all the resources that history and reform offer to our selection.

All looked at her; even Johnny Whitelamb looked, with a face as long as a fiddle. The comment was quiet, but the note of scorn in it could not be mistaken. Molly in revolt! Molly, of all persons! Molly sat trembling. She knew that among them all Johnny was her one ally and a hopelessly distressed and ineffective one.

Like the coal mining town from which Beaut McGregor had come, the city lay sprawling and ineffective before him, a tawdry disorderly dwelling for millions of men, built not for the making of men but for the making of millions by a few odd meat-packers and drygoods merchants.

A detachment of the 4th Wisconsin, under Major Boardman, was sent to Pass Manchac. The Confederates made a slight but ineffective resistance with artillery, resulting in trivial losses on either side.

I say that unless preference means better prices it will be ineffective in achieving the objects for the sake of which it is urged.

Peyrolles asked, with an ineffective air of dignity. Cocardasse smiled very sweetly. "The best of us may have a bad memory," he said, and sighed over the frailties of humanity. He turned to his nominal leader. "Papa Staupitz," he said, "will you not see if a pen and ink be available?" Staupitz rose while Peyrolles glowered, and going to the door that led to the kitchen, summoned Martine.

The Mona made ineffective leaps, trying to get release from her imprisonment, but only succeeded in pouring water over the inert figure lying on the bottom boards. In a spasm of fear he sprang up and began to scramble wildly towards his wife, who in her nervousness was gripping the gunwale, but was facing the affair silently and pluckily.

But Wren was nearly wild from wounds and fever when the third day came and no sign of the troop. Another man had been hit and stung, and though not seriously wounded, like a burnt child, he now shunned the fire and became, perforce, an ineffective. Their scanty store of rations was gone entirely.

If one of my young men turns out a good biography of an interesting person, however ineffective he was, I shall not have lived in vain. For, mind this very few people's performances are worth remembering, while very many people's personalities are." Rose told a story one night which amused Father Payne immensely.