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Days of Valentine, many of us may in like manner say, days of Valentine, days of Lélia , days never to return! They are gone, we shall read the books no more, and yet how ineffaceable is their impression! How the sentences from George Sand's works of that period still linger in our memory and haunt the ear with their cadences!

Now what do you expect of me?" He leaned forward, eyeing her keenly. "That you will do exactly " "As I please?" he interrupted. "No, sir, exactly right." "That amounts to the same thing, does it not?" She shook her head. "Your impression is, that I will not please to do exactly right?" "I have not said so, sir." "Your eyes are very brave honest witnesses, and need no support from your lips.

Not so Nelly, who felt convinced that the allusion he made was to the Tobacco-box, and her impression being that it was mixed up in some way with an act of murder, she determined to wait until he should explain himself at greater length upon the subject.

"Mona, you say true. I have the same strange impression that I have seen a face like hers, but who or where I cannot say." "What would my Lady say, if I said it was our dear Prince? God rest his soul!" "Mona, it is so, yes," added the lady, looking more intently, "how singular! the very traits of our house in a peasant-girl! She is of Sorrento, I judge, by her costume, what a pretty one it is!

I thought as he did, nay, I even sometimes expressed myself to the same effect, but had not an equal ascendancy over her, and my advice did not make the same impression. On his decease, I was obliged to occupy his place, for which I had as little inclination as abilities, and therefore filled it ill.

Casting aside all preconceived notions, and preparation to be dire- struck or delighted, the beholder must stand beside it in the simplicity of his heart, suffering the mighty scene to work its own impression. Night after night, I dreamed of it, and was gladdened every morning by the consciousness of a growing capacity to enjoy it.

Their first impression was that they were cries of distress, and they were greatly relieved to find that they were shouts of delight, which the dryness and purity of the atmosphere caused to re-echo like a volley of musketry. Reaching the mouth of the gallery, they found the entire group pointing with eager interest to the sky. "Well, Ben Zoof," asked the captain, "what's the matter now?"

Men of good dispositions, amongst Christians, are greatly affected by the impression which the Scriptures themselves make upon their minds. Their conviction is much strengthened by these impressions. And this perhaps was intended to be one effect to be produced by the religion. This also may have been exactly what was designed.

"Very well," said the owner, "give me what you can spare, and I will forego the balance, and hand you a bill of sale for eight sixty-fourths. I do this not only because of the favourable impression you have made, but to make you feel that your interest is not merely that of a commander, but that of part owner with myself."

This remark made a deep impression upon our hero, especially as he observed that his friend Henry was not in the least vain of his personal graces, and had cultivated his understanding, though he could dance a Scotch reel.