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Auch Shecago." Fanny nodded a number of times, first up and down, signifying assent, then sideways, signifying unbounded wonder and admiration. She made a gigantic effort to summon her forgotten German. "Was ist Ihre Name?" she managed to ask. "Otti." "Oh, my!" exclaimed Fanny, weakly. "Mizzi and Otti. It sounds like the first act of the `Merry Widow." She turned to Theodore.

As early as 1899 in an address at the University on, Die Lehre vom Organismus und ihre Beziehung zur Sozialwissenschaft, Hertwig gave expression to views which are very little in harmony with the doctrines proceeding from Jena, and which are also put forth in his manual, The Cell and the Tissue.

Joachim und Anna weihen ihre Tochter Maria im Tempel. Die Vorstellung der Jungfrau im Tempel. Nov. 21. In the interval between the birth of Mary and her consecration in the temple, there is no incident which I can remember as being important or popular as a subject of art.

I should advise you, my dear fellow, to do some botanising; that's the best thing you could hit on in your position; it might be useful, too, from a scientific point of view. Farewell! Shubin ran up to Zoya, offered her his arm, and saying: 'Ihre Hand, Madame' caught hold of her hand, and pushed on ahead with her.

His words, somewhat too strongly put, are these: Fuer den Usus der Sprache, fuer ihren Verstand und ihre Verstaendlichkeit ist allerdings das Erblassen ihrer Lautbilder, so dass sie allmaehlig als blosse Zeichen fuer Begriffe fungiren, nothwendig.

As to internal evidence, there is only one slight difference between Heine's ballad and Schreiber's saga: where Heine's Lorelei combs her hair with a golden comb and has golden jewelry, Schreiber's "bindet einen Kranz für ihre goldenen Locken" and "hat eine Schnur von Bernstein in der Hand."

His heart glowed again, and his lips softened into their usual feminine grace-lips a little full and falling easily into curves. The old German woman came in at length, bringing some cakes and a bowl of milk, smiling broadly and hospitably as she waddled forward. "Ach! Goot!" he said, smacking his lips over the pleasant draught. "Wo ist ihre goot mann?" he inquired, ready for business.

Bernd will see that my things get sent on, I expect. I locked everything up in my trunk, your letters, and all my precious things. An official came along the train at Wittenberg, and after eyeing us all in my compartment suddenly held out his hand to me and said, "Ihre Papiere."

Franz von Hauer has further completed a reduction of these large-scale maps to a general map consisting of twelve sheets, with a memoir descriptive of each, and has finally in his most valuable and useful work, 'Die Geologie und ihre Anwendung auf die Kenntniss der Bodenbeschaffenheit der Osterrungar.

There was no mention of Madame Lola Brandt, but to my unspeakable comfort I saw the announcement: "Professorin Anastasius Papadopoulos und ihre wunderbaren Katzen." Lola was working the cats under the little man's name. That was why she had baffled the inquiries instituted by Dale and myself and had not received my telegram.