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Honour’s cheaply sold for life, Press the charge, and join the strife: Let the coward cling to breath, Let the base shrink back from death, Press the charge, let cravens flee!” Leonidas’s spear pointed to the ivory throne, around which and him that sat thereon in blue and scarlet glittered the Persian grandees. “Onward!” Immortal ichor seemed in the veins of every Greek. They burst into one shout.

But when pure passion possesses our hearts, then we see tangible visions, then our dreams become no dreams but realities; we mount up on wings, we fly, we soar to Olympus, to Atlantis, to the Elysian fields; we no longer wish to know, we feel; we no longer wish to prove, we see; and what our reason bids us to reject, a surer monitor bids us to receive: the dangers and perils of this life of shades upon the earth are of no account, for we are transformed into immortals in whose veins courses the divine ichor, and whose food is ambrosial.

It gave him a queer sort of shock, too, as he comprehended, for the first time, that the faint blue vein on that lifted arm held Musgrave blood, the same blood which at this thought quickened. For any person guided by appearances, Rudolph Musgrave considered, would have surmised that the vein in question contained celestial ichor or some yet diviner fluid.

He had heard the glad tidings, this old wrinkled man, and he clacked his whip to let others know, and gave the glad-eye a watery, wicked old eye to half a dozen midinettes who came dancing along the rue St. Honore. They knew without his white hat, and the clack of his whip. The ichor of the air had got into their blood.

"Ouais, my dear niece, Love rides by ordinary with a dripping spur, and is still as arbitrary as in the day when Mars was taken with a net and amorous Jove bellowed in Europa's kail-yard. My faith! if Love distemper thus the spectral ichor of the gods, is it remarkable that the warmer blood of man pulses rather vehemently at his bidding?

Had not King Hephæstos wrought every line of clear Phœnician glass, then touched them with snow and rose, and shot through all the ichor of life? Perhaps there was a fitful fire in the dark eyes that awaited the husband’s coming, or a slight twitching of the impatient lips. But nothing disturbed the high-born repose of face and figure.

Then Talus said, 'Who are you, strange maiden, and where is this ichor of youth? Then Medeia held up a flask of crystal, and said, 'Here is the ichor of youth. I am Medeia the enchantress; my sister Circe gave me this, and said, "Go and reward Talus, the faithful servant, for his fame is gone out into all lands." So come, and I will pour this into your veins, that you may live for ever young.

I kiss her cheek so red and sleek, I press her ringlets wavy; And in her willing ear I speak A most religious ave. "And if I'm blind, yet heaven is kind, And holy saints forgiving; For sure he leads a right good life Who thus admires good living. Above, they say, our flesh is air, Our blood celestial ichor: Oh, grant! mid all the changes there, They may not change our liquor!"

Casting one look back and up to the windows on the west side, she stepped out into the light, drawing Tirzah after her; and the extent of their amiction was then to be seen on their lips and cheeks, in their bleared eyes, in their cracked hands; especially in the long, snaky locks, stiff with loathsome ichor, and, like their eyebrows, ghastly white.

At Hendon Hall, the Marquis's lovely suburban seat, the Post Office clerk was made acquainted with Lady Frances Trafford, and they became lovers. The radicalism of a Marquis is apt to be tainted by special considerations in regard to his own family. This Marquis, though he had his exoteric politics, had his esoteric feelings. With him, Liberal as he was, his own blood possessed a peculiar ichor.