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This passes with the return of breath and circulation. But the clammy sweat continues pouring from every point of the surface saturating the garments next the skin as if they had been dipped in a tub of water. Presently our patient begins to suffer an intolerable thirst, and runs to the ice-pitcher to quench it. In vain. He can not retain a mouthful.

They're the regular swingin' ice-pitcher sort. Git folks like that in town an' it wouldn't be no time befo' they'd start a-chargin' pew rent in our churches. We was both glad when they give out thet they wasn't a-goin' to build the road. They say railroads is mighty corrupting an' me, with my sick headaches, an' a' ingine whistle in town, no indeed!

Water can only be made cold enough for summer comfort by being prepared in a refrigerator or a closed ice-pitcher. Europeans say ice-water impairs digestion. How do they know? they never drink any. At ten minutes past six we reached the Kaltbad station, where there is a spacious hotel with great verandas which command a majestic expanse of lake and mountain scenery.

We're really not meek a bit we're secretly quite ferocious; but we're held to be ashamed of ourselves not only for our proved business incompetence, but for our lack of first-rate artistic power as well: it being now definitely on record that we've never yet designed a single type of ice-pitcher since that's the damnable form Father's production more and more runs to; his uncanny ideal is to turn out more ice-pitchers than any firm in the world that has "taken" with their awful public.

If the hotel had been thronged with brilliant company, they would have been no more and no less pleased; and when, after supper, they came into the grand parlor, and found nothing there but a marble-topped centre. table, with a silver-plated ice-pitcher and a small company of goblets, they sat down perfectly content in a secluded window-seat.

Lawson, I'll stroll around through the sto'e an' see what you've got while you wait on some o' them thet know their own minds. I know mine well enough. What I want is that swingin' ice-pitcher, an' my judgment tells me thet they ain't a more suitable present in yo' sto'e for a settled man thet has built hisself a residence an' furnished it complete the way he has, but of co'se 'twouldn't never do.

I did threaten once-t to tell her, 'No, thank you, ma'am, I don't keer to be seated but I'll set down ef it's agreeable, but when the time would come I'd turn round an' there'd be the ice-pitcher. An' after that I couldn't be expected to do nothin' but back into the parlor over the Brussels carpet an' chaw my hat-brim. But, of co'se, I was young then.

Upon each side of me, half a mile away, rose the same old mountains which I had seen everywhere from Tacoma north; at my feet the same Pacific Ocean, but in front of me, apparently so close that I could almost reach it with my fingers, the perpendicular wall of a cañon, not of rock, nor clay, nor grass, nor forest, but of ice, a wall of ice a mile in length; and when I say a mile, I mean over eighteen hundred yards of it; and when I speak of ice, I do not mean the sooty, porous stuff that lodges in the valleys of the Alps; I mean the veritable, pure, clear, crystal ice of the ice-pitcher.

I moved back a step or two, and stood as in a dream, all my senses stupefied by this frantic assault. 'What you standing there for? Take that ice-pitcher down to the texas-tender-come, move along, and don't you be all day about it! The moment I got back to the pilot-house, Brown said 'Here! What was you doing down there all this time?

I moved back a step or two, and stood as in a dream, all my senses stupefied by this frantic assault. 'What you standing there for? Take that ice-pitcher down to the texas- tender-come, move along, and don't you be all day about it! The moment I got back to the pilot-house, Brown said 'Here! What was you doing down there all this time?