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Updated: August 21, 2024

Plank would have built housen that covered a few more acres, and towered up higher, and had loftier cupalos. And finally I got tired of tryin' to quell her down, and I got so that I could let her talk and keep up a-thinkin' on other subjects all the time. Why, I got so I could have writ poetry, if that had been my aim, right under a constant loadin' and onloadin' of that Plank.

She is a POLL PRY: goes about the town a-sarching: pries into their housen and their vittels, and their very beds. Old Marks have got a muck-heap at his door for his garden, ye know.

"'F I had my way I'd turn it out on the Common and put a match to it. Now there's the Hibbins came over in 1680 and brought their housen goods. There wan't any way of makin' 'em then but just outen rough logs. An' now the old granma'am's died and 'twas her mother's, I b'lieve, and Mis' Hibbins she's just gone crazy over it. And they're buildin' a fine new house. Strange how Salem's buildin' up!

There wuz more than a hundred natives here. Their housen are back in the inclosure, and their work-shops in front, and in these shops and porticos are carried on right before your eyes every trade known in Japan, and jest as they do it at home carvers, carpenters, spinners, weavers, dyers, musicians, etc., etc. The colorin' they do is a sight to see, and takes almost a lifetime to learn.

And both Mistress Allerton and Mistress Standish, whom God was soon to call away from their earthly home, felt happier and stronger as they heard the little girl singing: He neither shall be born In housen nor in hall, Nor in the place of Paradise, But in an ox's stall. Used by permission.

The rooms are about six feet high, and they wuz like me in one thing they didn't care so much for ornament as they did for solid foundation. The only ornament I see in any of the rooms wuz some kinder wavin' streaks of red paint. But, oh! how solid the housen wuz, how firm the underpinnin'.

Now to show the facility with which folks will turn right round and revolve, I will tell how Josiah seemin'ly forgot mawlstroms, bad air, rumatiz, ages, meetin' housen, principles, etc., and turned right round on the pivot of his inclination.

"As Joseph was a-walking He heard an angel sing 'This night shall be the birth night Of Christ, our heavenly King. His birthbed shall be neither In housen nor in hall, Nor in the place of paradise, But in the oxen's stall. He neither shall be rocked In silver nor in gold, But in the wooden manger That lieth on the mould.

"Got any Uncles?" "A heap. Uncle Thomas is ded, tho." "Peace to Uncle Thomas's ashes, and success to him! I will be your Uncle Thomas! Lean on me, my pretty Secesher, and linger in Blissful repose!" She slept as secoorly as in her own housen, and didn't disturb the sollum stillness of the night with 'ary snore!

And she and The Little Maid rolled away, down through the broad, beautiful streets, lined with stately housen and filled with a throng of gay, handsome, elegantly clothed men, wimmen, and children. Down into narrower business streets, with lofty warehouses on each side, and full of a well-dressed, hurrying crowd of business men down, down, down into the dretful street she had sot out to find.

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