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I wish to goodness we'd never come into this confounded place and let ourselves in for it." As he spoke, Lord Shotover turned towards the door, meditating escape in the direction of that brilliant vista of crowded rooms. But Honoria St. Quentin, her enthusiasm once aroused, became inexorable.

Nor did they ever change that hastily formed judgment. It was all done in a few seconds in that hesitating moment before the words we summon answer on our lips. The next, Lady Honoria was sweeping towards her with outstretched hand, and her most gracious smile. "Miss Granger," she said, "I owe you a debt I never can repay my dear husband's life.

"They will never guess her secret from her manner," he thought; "and if they question her, she will know how to baffle their curiosity." On the very day that ended the stipulated week, Honoria Milford made her appearance in Arlington Street.

Then Elizabeth rose and asked Lady Honoria if she would like to see the rooms her husband and Effie would occupy. She said she should be delighted and went off, followed by Mr. Granger fussing in the rear. "Don't you think that you will be a little dull here, Mr. Bingham?" said Beatrice. "On the contrary," he answered. "Why should I be dull? I cannot be so dull as I should be by myself."

But I will be good, indeed I will. Really it was only for a minute I thought of it. I know I have promised. Indeed, I will make no fuss. I will be good. I will marry Richard Calmady." "But this is simply intolerable!" Honoria said in a low voice.

There are two square tables covered with piles of documents neatly tied with green tape and ranged round the central vase of flowers; a heavy, squat earthenware vase not easily knocked over; and there is a second bureau with pigeon-holes and a roll top, similar to the one at which Vivien Warren is seated. This is for the senior partner, Honoria Fraser.

"Go if you like," he said shortly, "but if you take Effie, mind she is properly looked after, that is all," and he abruptly left the room. Lady Honoria looked after him, slowly nodding her handsome head. "Ah," she said to herself, "I have found out how to manage you now. You have your weak point like other people, Master Geoffrey and it spells Beatrice. Only you must not go too far.

Later, while preparations were being made by the servants for the coming night, she went out, with the two gentlemen and Honoria St. Quentin, on to the iron platform at the rear of the swaying car, and stood there under the stars.

It remained by her now, as she stood after luncheon at one of the open windows, watching the up-rolling thunder-cloud, the spattering raindrops, the quaintly solemn behaviour of the stalking, striding rooks. Honoria was easily entertained to-day. She felt well-disposed towards every living creature. And the rooks diverted her extremely.

Geoffrey came down to breakfast about eleven o'clock on the morning of that day the first hours of which he had spent at Euston Station. Not seeing Effie, he asked Lady Honoria where she was, and was informed that Anne, the French bonne, said the child was not well and that she had kept her in bed to breakfast.